Cite this article as:

Hua Zhang, Tuoxiao Wang, Guoyang Zhang, Wenjie Wu, Long Zhao, Tao Liu, Shuai Mo, and Hongwei Ni, Clean production of Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic alloys via smelting reduction of high-phosphorus iron ore and apatite, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 12, pp.2356-2363.
Hua Zhang, Tuoxiao Wang, Guoyang Zhang, Wenjie Wu, Long Zhao, Tao Liu, Shuai Mo, and Hongwei Ni, Clean production of Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic alloys via smelting reduction of high-phosphorus iron ore and apatite, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 12, pp.2356-2363.
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摘要: 铁基非晶合金传统制备工艺中合金原料和非晶带材制备过程分割,导致:(1) 矿物中有益元素脱除后再添加,资源浪费;(2) 还原合金凝固后再重熔合金化,能量浪费。本文提出了一种利用高磷铁矿和磷灰石熔融还原直接制备FePC非晶合金新方法。利用FactSage计算了高磷铁矿碳热还原的热力学条件和平衡状态下合金中的元素含量,并实验研究了不同Ca3(PO4)2添加量对还原合金物相结构和元素迁移富集的影响;然后采用单辊旋淬和铜模铸造技术成功制备了FePC合金带材和棒材样品。研究结果表明,Ca3(PO4)2的添加使得还原合金中P元素明显富集,先后析出Fe3P和Fe2P相。控制Ca3(PO4)2添加量0~50 g和C/O摩尔比0.8~1.1的条件,还原合金中P和C元素的含量分别在1.52wt%~14.63wt%和0.62wt%~2.47wt%范围内可调控,与计算结果吻合较好。制备的带材和棒材样品均表现出非晶特征的单一漫散型峰,而且棒材的结构和元素分布均匀,没有相分离和元素偏聚,充分证明了提出工艺的可行性。与铁基非晶合金常规生产流程相比,提出的利用高磷铁矿和磷灰石熔融还原直接制备FePC非晶合金具有矿物资源综合利用和节能减排的突出优势,生产节能达30%,为铁基非晶合金的清洁生产提供了新方法。


Clean production of Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic alloys via smelting reduction of high-phosphorus iron ore and apatite

Abstract: Separated preparation of prealloys and amorphous alloys results in severe solidification–remelting and beneficial element removal–readdition contradictions, which markedly increase energy consumption and emissions. This study offered a novel strategy for the direct production of FePC amorphous soft magnetic alloys via smelting reduction of high-phosphorus iron ore (HPIO) and apatite. First, the thermodynamic conditions and equilibrium states of the carbothermal reduction reactions in HPIO were calculated, and the element content in reduced alloys was theoretically determined. The phase and structural evolutions, as well as element migration and enrichment behaviors during the smelting reduction of HPIO and Ca3(PO4)2, were then experimentally verified. The addition of Ca3(PO4)2 in HPIO contributes to the enrichment of the P element in reduced alloys and the subsequent development of Fe3P and Fe2P phases. The content of P and C elements in the range of 1.52wt%–14.63wt% and 0.62wt%–2.47wt%, respectively, can be well tailored by adding 0–50 g Ca3(PO4)2 and controlling the C/O mole ratio of 0.8–1.1, which is highly consistent with the calculated results. These FePC alloys were then successfully formed into amorphous ribbons and rods. The energy consumption of the proposed strategy was estimated to be 2.00 × 108 kJ/t, which is reduced by 30% when compared with the conventional production process. These results are critical for the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources and pave the way for the clean production of Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic alloys.


