Cite this article as:

Junjie Zhang, and Xiang Wu, Dual-ion carrier storage through Mg2+ addition for high-energy and long-life zinc-ion hybrid capacitor, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 1, pp.179-185.
Junjie Zhang, and Xiang Wu, Dual-ion carrier storage through Mg2+ addition for high-energy and long-life zinc-ion hybrid capacitor, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 1, pp.179-185.
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通过添加 Mg2+ 实现双离子载流子存储,制备高能量长寿命的锌离子混合电容器

摘要: 锌离子混合电容器(ZHCs)作为新一代锌离子储能系统,由于将电池和超级电容器完美结合,近年来引起了研究者的极大兴趣。然而,其较低的能量密度和循环能力需要进一步提高。因此,构建一种可行的储能系统对提高ZHCs的电化学性能至关重要。本文制备了以活性炭(AC)作阴极,商用锌箔作阳极,硫酸锌做电解液的AC//Zn混合电容器。通过添加不同浓度的硫酸镁调控电解液,并采用显微组织观察、电化学测量和恒电流放电试验研究了电解液中不同Mg2+含量与充放电性能的关系。结果表明,适当的增加Mg2+可以有效地提升电化学性能。加入1 M Mg2+的AC//Zn在1A/g电流密度下,比容量可达82 mAh·g−1,并且在10000圈充放电循环后容量保持率达到91%。 这些优异的性能由于Mg2+的加入展示了一种自我修复的静电屏蔽效应,以抑制阳极表面的锌枝晶和副产物的生成,它还促进了电子的转移,使法拉第氧化还原反应得以进行,从而产生大的比电容。因此,AC//Zn系统由于其优异的充放电性能和循环稳定性,在未来的储能器件中显示出潜在的应用前景。


Dual-ion carrier storage through Mg2+ addition for high-energy and long-life zinc-ion hybrid capacitor

Abstract: Cation additives can efficiently enhance the total electrochemical capabilities of zinc-ion hybrid capacitors (ZHCs). However, their energy storage mechanisms in zinc-based systems are still under debate. Herein, we modulate the electrolyte and achieve dual-ion storage by adding magnesium ions. And we assemble several Zn//activated carbon devices with different electrolyte concentrations and investigate their electrochemical reaction dynamic behaviors. The zinc-ion capacitor with Mg2+ mixed solution delivers 82 mAh·g−1 capacity at 1 A·g−1 and maintains 91% of the original capacitance after 10000 cycling. It is superior to the other assembled zinc-ion devices in single-component electrolytes. The finding demonstrates that the double-ion storage mechanism enables the superior rate performance and long cycle lifetime of ZHCs.


