Cite this article as:

Xiangyu Xu, Lu Zhang, Zifei Wang, Qianren Tian, Jianxun Fu, and Xuemin Wang, Critical precipitation behavior of MnTe inclusions in resulfurized steels during solidification, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 8, pp.1849-1857.
Xiangyu Xu, Lu Zhang, Zifei Wang, Qianren Tian, Jianxun Fu, and Xuemin Wang, Critical precipitation behavior of MnTe inclusions in resulfurized steels during solidification, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 8, pp.1849-1857.
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摘要: 碲处理技术是硫化物改质的有效方法,碲在含硫钢中通常以在硫化物中固溶和MnTe析出的两种形式存在。然而,MnTe析出会降低材料的热塑性和耐蚀性。因此,碲处理技术在实际工业应用中,大多情况下并不期望MnTe析出。解析碲化锰临界析出行为是碲处理技术推广应用涉及的关键科学问题。本文通过扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜、机器学习和第一性原理计算研究了MnTe夹杂物的临界析出行为。发现MnTe夹杂物优先在球状硫化物的容器口以及棒状硫化物晶界与钢基体界面交合处析出,形成MnS–MnTe复合夹杂物。MnS–MnTe复合夹杂物的相界面为半共格界面,界面处存在NaCl结构周期性变化的成分过渡带,以维持半共格界面。随温度降低,MnTe夹杂物在含硫钢中的临界析出行为可划分为三个阶段:第一阶段,Mn(S,Te)在凝固过程中析出;第二阶段,由于Te在MnS中的固溶度降低,NaCl结构的MnTe从Mn(S,Te)中析出,形成MnS–MnTe复合夹杂物;第三阶段,MnS–MnTe复合夹杂物中的MnTe由NaCl结构转变为六方NiAs结构。含硫钢中MnTe夹杂物的临界析出行为与MnS的析出温度有关。随着MnS析出温度升高,临界Te/S质量比降低。因此,含硫钢工业生产中碲的经济添加量,应按照MnS析出温度和S含量两个方面进行确定。


Critical precipitation behavior of MnTe inclusions in resulfurized steels during solidification

Abstract: Te treatment is an effective method for modifying sulfide inclusions, and MnTe precipitation has an important effect on thermal brittleness and steel corrosion resistance. In most actual industrial applications of Te treatment, MnTe precipitation is unexpected. The critical precipitation behavior of MnTe inclusions was investigated through scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, machine learning, and first-principles calculation. MnTe preferentially precipitated at the container mouth for sphere-like sulfides and at the interface between MnS grain boundaries and steel matrix for rod-like sulfides. The MnS/MnTe interface was semicoherent. A composition transition zone with a rock-salt structure exhibiting periodic changes existed to maintain the semicoherent interface. The critical precipitation behavior of MnTe inclusions in resulfurized steels involved three stages at varying temperatures. First, Mn(S,Te) precipitated during solidification. Second, MnTe with a rock-salt structure precipitated from Mn(S,Te). Third, MnTe with a hexagonal NiAs structure transformed from the rock-salt structure. The solubility of Te in MnS decreased with decreasing temperature. The critical precipitation behavior of MnTe inclusions in resulfurized steels was related to the MnS precipitation temperature. With the increase in MnS precipitation temperature, the critical Te/S weight ratio decreased. In consideration of the cost-effectiveness of Te addition for industrial production, the Te content in resulfurized steels should be controlled in accordance with MnS precipitation temperature and S content.


