Cite this article as:

Jingwen Zhang, Liming Yu, Yongchang Liu, Ran Ding, Chenxi Liu, Zongqing Ma, Huijun Li, Qiuzhi Gao, and Hui Wang, Improving creep strength of the fine-grained heat-affected zone of novel 9Cr martensitic heat-resistant steel via modified thermo-mechanical treatment, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 5, pp.1037-1047.
Jingwen Zhang, Liming Yu, Yongchang Liu, Ran Ding, Chenxi Liu, Zongqing Ma, Huijun Li, Qiuzhi Gao, and Hui Wang, Improving creep strength of the fine-grained heat-affected zone of novel 9Cr martensitic heat-resistant steel via modified thermo-mechanical treatment, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 5, pp.1037-1047.
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摘要: 新一代马氏体耐热钢G115被认为是高参数先进火电机组关键高温部件制造成形的主要备选材料。然而,服役过程中焊接接头细晶热影响区极易引发高温蠕变先行失效行为,严重威胁机组的安全运行。在本研究中,设计开发了一种形变热处理工艺(正火+冷变形+回火),通过焊前形变热处理定向调控G115钢基体组织,以控制焊接过程中热影响区的组织演变行为,进一步实现其高温蠕变强度的明显提升。焊前形变热处理可以细化基体组织中M23C6相尺寸,引入高密度形变位错及界面,有效促进了焊接过程中M23C6相的回溶行为,并缓解了C、Cr元素在原始奥氏体晶界处的偏聚。在焊后热处理过程中,M23C6相在新形成奥氏体晶粒边界及内部各类界面处弥散均匀再析出,有效抑制了此类界面迁移回复行为。此外,形变位错可以为沉淀相提供形核位点,明显提高了板条内部MX相和富Cu相的析出数密度。在高温蠕变过程中,沉淀相、位错及界面三者之间的交互作用明显增强,很大程度上延缓了低硬度亚晶晶粒的形成。相比于初始态,形变热处理后,G115钢焊接接头细晶热影响区的高温蠕变断裂时间延长了将近20%。本研究的开展不仅为G115钢焊接接头服役中面临的关键问题提供了创新性解决策略,也进一步推动了其广泛工业应用。


Improving creep strength of the fine-grained heat-affected zone of novel 9Cr martensitic heat-resistant steel via modified thermo-mechanical treatment

Abstract: The infamous type IV failure within the fine-grained heat-affected zone (FGHAZ) in G115 steel weldments seriously threatens the safe operation of ultra-supercritical (USC) power plants. In this work, the traditional thermo-mechanical treatment was modified via the replacement of hot-rolling with cold rolling, i.e., normalizing, cold rolling, and tempering (NCT), which was developed to improve the creep strength of the FGHAZ in G115 steel weldments. The NCT treatment effectively promoted the dissolution of preformed M23C6 particles and relieved the boundary segregation of C and Cr during welding thermal cycling, which accelerated the dispersed reprecipitation of M23C6 particles within the fresh reaustenitized grains during post-weld heat treatment. In addition, the precipitation of Cu-rich phases and MX particles was promoted evidently due to the deformation-induced dislocations. As a result, the interacting actions between precipitates, dislocations, and boundaries during creep were reinforced considerably. Following this strategy, the creep rupture life of the FGHAZ in G115 steel weldments can be prolonged by 18.6%, which can further push the application of G115 steel in USC power plants.


