Cite this article as:

Zongan Luo, Xin Zhang, Zhaosong Liu, Hongyu Zhou, Mingkun Wang, and Guangming Xie, Mechanical properties and interfacial characteristics of 6061 Al alloy plates fabricated by hot-roll bonding, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 8, pp.1890-1899.
Zongan Luo, Xin Zhang, Zhaosong Liu, Hongyu Zhou, Mingkun Wang, and Guangming Xie, Mechanical properties and interfacial characteristics of 6061 Al alloy plates fabricated by hot-roll bonding, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 8, pp.1890-1899.
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摘要: 为了解决传统铝合金厚板存在的严重宏观偏析、气孔和裂纹等缺陷,采用基于搅拌摩擦焊的热轧复合技术制备了 6061铝合金厚板,并进一步研究了不同真空条件下界面处的力学性能和微观组织。结果表明,热轧态和时效态连接界面处的极限抗拉强度和总伸长率随着真空度的增加而增加。真空度高于1 Pa后,由于氧化效果显著降低,连接界面实现了良好的冶金结合,相应热轧态和时效态拉伸试样均在基体处断裂。经微观组织分析发现,热轧态界面形成了非平衡晶界,大量Mg2Si颗粒沿界面晶界线性析出。在随后的热处理过程中,Mg2Si颗粒又重新溶解回基体中,残留在界面处的Al2O3膜最终演变成MgO。此外,局部界面晶界在热轧复合过程中经历了阶段性消除,即由大角度晶界逐渐演变为中间角度晶界、小角度晶界,最终界面两侧晶粒完全融合。这一过程是通过界面晶界上位错的解离、发射和湮灭实现的。


Mechanical properties and interfacial characteristics of 6061 Al alloy plates fabricated by hot-roll bonding

Abstract: This work aims to investigate the mechanical properties and interfacial characteristics of 6061 Al alloy plates fabricated by hot-roll bonding (HRB) based on friction stir welding. The results showed that ultimate tensile strength and total elongation of the hot-rolled and aged joints increased with the packaging vacuum, and the tensile specimens fractured at the matrix after exceeding 1 Pa. Non-equilibrium grain boundaries were formed at the hot-rolled interface, and a large amount of Mg2Si particles were linearly precipitated along the interfacial grain boundaries (IGBs). During subsequent heat treatment, Mg2Si particles dissolved back into the matrix, and Al2O3 film remaining at the interface eventually evolved into MgO. In addition, the local IGBs underwent staged elimination during HRB, which facilitated the interface healing due to the fusion of grains at the interface. This process was achieved by the dissociation, emission, and annihilation of dislocations on the IGBs.


