Cite this article as:

Honghu Tang, Bingjian Liu, Mengshan Li, Qiancheng Zhang, Xiongxing Zhang, and Feng Jiang, Cooperative effect of sodium lauryl sulfate collector and sodium pyrophosphate depressant on the flotation separation of lead oxide minerals from hematite, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 9, pp.1975-1984.
Honghu Tang, Bingjian Liu, Mengshan Li, Qiancheng Zhang, Xiongxing Zhang, and Feng Jiang, Cooperative effect of sodium lauryl sulfate collector and sodium pyrophosphate depressant on the flotation separation of lead oxide minerals from hematite, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 9, pp.1975-1984.
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摘要: 作为国民经济的支柱产业,钢铁行业同时也不可避免地产生了大量包含铅资源和有害元素的烧结粉尘。浮选被视为是一种从烧结粉尘中回收铅资源的有效技术,但浮选过程中如何实现铅氧化物与氧化铁的高效分离仍然具有挑战性。本论文系统研究了十二烷基硫酸钠(SLS,C12H25SO4Na)和焦磷酸钠(SPP,Na4P2O7)在选择性浮选分离铅氧化矿物(PbOHCl和PbSO4)与赤铁矿(Fe2O3)过程中的协同作用。首先通过单矿物浮选试验和人工混合矿浮选试验确定了最佳浮选条件,实现了铅氧化矿物的高效回收与赤铁矿的有效抑制。通过Zeta电位测量、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)分析、吸附量测定和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析,揭示了药剂在矿物表面的吸附行为。研究结果表明,捕收剂SLS在PbOHCl和PbSO4表面上的吸附强度较大且不受抑制剂的影响,而抑制剂SPP可选择性吸附于Fe2O3表面,并抑制后续SLS的吸附。SLS和SPP在矿物表面的选择性吸附行为实现了铅氧化矿物和赤铁矿的高效浮选分离。


Cooperative effect of sodium lauryl sulfate collector and sodium pyrophosphate depressant on the flotation separation of lead oxide minerals from hematite

Abstract: As a cornerstone of the national economy, the iron and steel industry generates a significant amount of sintering dust containing both valuable lead resources and deleterious elements. Flotation is a promising technique for lead recovery from sintering dust, but efficient separation from Fe2O3 is still challenging. This study investigated the cooperative effect of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS, C12H25SO4Na) and sodium pyrophosphate (SPP, Na4P2O7) on the selective flotation of lead oxide minerals (PbOHCl and PbSO4) from hematite (Fe2O3). Optimal flotation conditions were first identified, resulting in high recovery of lead oxide minerals while inhibiting Fe2O3 flotation. Zeta potential measurements, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis, adsorption capacity analysis, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies offer insights into the adsorption behaviors of the reagents on mineral surfaces, revealing strong adsorption of SLS on PbOHCl and PbSO4 surfaces and remarkable adsorption of SPP on Fe2O3. The proposed model of reagent adsorption on mineral surfaces illustrates the selective adsorption behavior, highlighting the pivotal role of reagent adsorption in the separation process. These findings contribute to the efficient and environmentally friendly utilization of iron ore sintering dust for lead recovery, paving the way for sustainable resource management in the iron and steel industry.


