Cite this article as:

Fengbo Yan, Ziang Li, Hao Zhang, Yuchen Cui, Kaiqi Nie, Nuofu Chen, and Jikun Chen, Temperature-sensing array using the metal-to-insulator transition of NdxSm1−xNiO3, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 7, pp.1694-1700.
Fengbo Yan, Ziang Li, Hao Zhang, Yuchen Cui, Kaiqi Nie, Nuofu Chen, and Jikun Chen, Temperature-sensing array using the metal-to-insulator transition of NdxSm1−xNiO3, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 7, pp.1694-1700.
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摘要: 在诸多电子相变材料中,稀土镍基氧化物(RENiO3)具有宽温区可连续调控的金属绝缘体相变(MIT)特性,在强关联逻辑器件、突变式热敏电阻、红外伪装等方面具有潜在应用价值。本项工作利用碱金属卤化物助熔辅助下的高氧压固相反应制备了NdxSm1−xNiO3陶瓷材料,通过在x为0~1范围内调控Nd/Sm原子比例实现了其MIT特征触发温度(TMIT)在200~400 K温区的准连续调控。特别是对于x ≤ 0.8的NdxSm1−xNiO3其在跨越特征温度(TMIT)附近210~360 K温区范围内呈现出远高于传统负阻温系数(NTC)热敏电阻的阻温系数(例如,超过7%/K),且其升降温测量的电阻率温度关系无明显温度滞回。因此,通过引入优化的并联电阻可在10 K范围内实现NdxSm1−xNiO3电阻率与温度的线性变化,从而有望应用于精密温度传感;而进一步通过将具有不同稀土比例NdxSm1−xNiO3的组成阵列,可将上述精密温度传感的潜在温区拓宽至210~360 K。


Temperature-sensing array using the metal-to-insulator transition of NdxSm1−xNiO3

Abstract: Rare-earth nickelates (RENiO3) show widely tunable metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) properties with ignorable variations in lattice constants and small latent heat across the critical temperature (TMIT). Particularly, it is worth noting that compared with the more commonly investigated vanadium oxides, the MIT of RENiO3 is less abrupt but usually across a wider range of temperatures. This sheds light on their alternative applications as negative temperature coefficient resistance (NTCR) thermistors with high sensitivity compared with the current NTCR thermistors, other than their expected use as critical temperature resistance thermistors. In this work, we demonstrate the NTCR thermistor functionality for using the adjustable MIT of NdxSm1−xNiO3 within 200–400 K, which displays larger magnitudes of NTCR (e.g., more than 7%/K) that is unattainable in traditional NTCR thermistor materials. The temperature dependence of resistance (RT) shows sharp variation during the MIT of NdxSm1−xNiO3 with no hysteresis via decreasing the Nd content (e.g., x ≤ 0.8), and such a RT tendency can be linearized by introducing an optimum parallel resistor. The sensitive range of temperature can be further extended to 210–360 K by combining a series of NdxSm1−xNiO3 with eight rare-earth co-occupation ratios as an array, with a high magnitude of NTCR (e.g., 7%–14%/K) covering the entire range of temperatures.


