Cite this article as:

Yarong Xue, Xueqiu He, Dazhao Song, Zhenlei Li, Majid Khan, Taoping Zhong, and Fei Yang, Energy evolution and structural health monitoring of coal under different failure modes: An experimental study, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 5, pp.917-928.
Yarong Xue, Xueqiu He, Dazhao Song, Zhenlei Li, Majid Khan, Taoping Zhong, and Fei Yang, Energy evolution and structural health monitoring of coal under different failure modes: An experimental study, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 5, pp.917-928.
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摘要: 地下工程结构失稳诱发的煤岩动力灾害严重威胁着井下相关人员的生命和财产安全,建立及时、准确的煤岩体健康状态监测方法至关重要。为了揭示地下复杂工况下煤岩体受载破坏过程的能量演化规律,在实验室条件下对煤岩试样进行了剪切、劈裂和单轴压缩实验,研究了能量参数在受载各阶段的变化特征及不同破坏方式对其的影响,在此基础上构建了基于能量耗散的煤岩结构健康评价新方法。结果表明,煤岩受载过程中其内部应变硬化与应变软化机制相互转化,对应弹性能与耗散能密度增长速率的波动;当张拉破坏占煤岩破坏方式主体时,能量在峰前表现出“高耗散、低积聚”的特点,而当剪切破坏占主体时则表现出“高积聚、低耗散”的特点;同时,不同破坏方式下煤岩失稳前耗散能均出现了加速增长的特征,并且能量耗散率与试样所处应力状态存在显著正相关关系;最后,采用数理统计方法建立了能量耗散异常指数 W,将煤岩结构的健康状况分为弱、中、强三个危险等级并提出了量化的分级标准,该方法对于不同破坏方式下的煤岩失稳具有统一的预警准则,针对地下工程复杂工况下煤岩体的结构健康监测具有适应性,可以有效反映煤岩的应力分布状态和结构稳定性。研究为旨在推动地下工程结构健康监测技术的升级与创新,为矿井智能化发展提供支撑。


Energy evolution and structural health monitoring of coal under different failure modes: An experimental study

Abstract: Structural instability in underground engineering, especially in coal–rock structures, poses significant safety risks. Thus, the development of an accurate monitoring method for the health of coal–rock bodies is crucial. The focus of this work is on understanding energy evolution patterns in coal–rock bodies under complex conditions by using shear, splitting, and uniaxial compression tests. We examine the changes in energy parameters during various loading stages and the effects of various failure modes, resulting in an innovative energy dissipation-based health evaluation technique for coal. Key results show that coal bodies go through transitions between strain hardening and softening mechanisms during loading, indicated by fluctuations in elastic energy and dissipation energy density. For tensile failure, the energy profile of coal shows a pattern of “high dissipation and low accumulation” before peak stress. On the other hand, shear failure is described by “high accumulation and low dissipation” in energy trends. Different failure modes correlate with an accelerated increase in the dissipation energy before destabilization, and a significant positive correlation is present between the energy dissipation rate and the stress state of the coal samples. A novel mathematical and statistical approach is developed, establishing a dissipation energy anomaly index, W, which categorizes the structural health of coal into different danger levels. This method provides a quantitative standard for early warning systems and is adaptable for monitoring structural health in complex underground engineering environments, contributing to the development of structural health monitoring technology.


