Cite this article as:

Zejun Wang, Qing Shi, Guofan Zhang, Yuxuan Zhu, and Binbin Li, Effect of pyrite content on chalcopyrite flotation under different regrinding conditions, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 1, pp.49-57.
Zejun Wang, Qing Shi, Guofan Zhang, Yuxuan Zhu, and Binbin Li, Effect of pyrite content on chalcopyrite flotation under different regrinding conditions, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 1, pp.49-57.
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摘要: 粗精矿再磨再选是斑岩型铜矿常用的选矿工艺流程,研究表明,通过再磨可以促进矿物的充分解离,实现铜硫矿物的浮选分离,提高铜精矿品位。然而,不同品位的粗精矿再磨后浮选精矿品位提升幅度不同,低品位粗精矿的提升幅度大,而高品位粗精矿的提升幅度小。为研究这一现象,本文选取不同品位的粗精矿,使用不同的再磨介质(铸铁球、陶瓷球、二元等质量混合介质),研究其再磨后对铜回收效果的影响。采用扫描电子显微镜、乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐提取法、X射线光电子能谱和电化学测量等实验研究了黄铜矿、黄铁矿与不同再磨介质之间的电偶腐蚀及与浮选性能之间的关系。研究表明,随着黄铁矿的加入,黄铜矿与黄铁矿之间的电偶腐蚀电流增大,且在使用铁介质时该电流变得更强,根据粗精矿中黄铁矿含量选择再磨介质以控制电偶腐蚀强弱,当黄铁矿含量较高时,使用铁介质再磨促进了电偶腐蚀,增加了黄铁矿表面亲水性FeOOH的生成。而在黄铁矿含量较低时,使用陶瓷介质避免电偶腐蚀加剧,可防止过量的FeOOH覆盖在黄铜矿表面,从而优化浮选效果。


Effect of pyrite content on chalcopyrite flotation under different regrinding conditions

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effect of varying pyrite (Py) content on copper (Cu) in the presence of different regrinding conditions, which were altered using different types of grinding media: iron, ceramic balls, and their mixture, followed by flotation in the cleaner stage. The flotation performance of rough Cu concentrate can be improved by changing the regrinding conditions based on the Py content. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray spectrometry, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt extraction, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies illustrated that when the Py content was high, the use of iron media in regrinding promoted the generation of hydrophilic FeOOH on the surface of Py and improved the Cu grade. The ceramic medium with a low Py content prevented excessive FeOOH from covering the surface of chalcopyrite (Cpy). Electrochemical studies further showed that the galvanic corrosion current of Cpy–Py increased with the addition of Py and became stronger with the participation of iron media.


