Cite this article as:

Xiaoxue Wang, Lulu Jin, Jinke Wang, Rongqiao Wang, Xiuchun Liu, Kai Gao, Jingli Sun, Yong Yuan, Lingwei Ma, Hongchang Qian, and Dawei Zhang, Assessing the corrosion protection property of coatings loaded with corrosion inhibitors using the real-time atmospheric corrosion monitoring technique, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 1, pp.119-126.
Xiaoxue Wang, Lulu Jin, Jinke Wang, Rongqiao Wang, Xiuchun Liu, Kai Gao, Jingli Sun, Yong Yuan, Lingwei Ma, Hongchang Qian, and Dawei Zhang, Assessing the corrosion protection property of coatings loaded with corrosion inhibitors using the real-time atmospheric corrosion monitoring technique, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 1, pp.119-126.
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摘要: 大气腐蚀监测(ACM)技术已被广泛应用于追踪金属材料的实时腐蚀行为变化,但却很少有研究将其应用于有机涂层防腐性能的监测。本研究将纯环氧涂层和添加有磷酸锌缓蚀剂的环氧涂层涂覆在ACM传感器表面,制造人工损伤后进行腐蚀试验,观察涂层防腐性能随腐蚀试验进行的变化情况。将损伤后涂层分别暴露于浸泡和交替干湿环境中,实时采集ACM传感器的电偶腐蚀电流。在以上两种腐蚀环境下的试验过程中,涂装添加有磷酸锌缓蚀剂环氧涂层的ACM传感器腐蚀电流明显低于涂装纯环氧涂层传感器的腐蚀电流值,这主要归功于磷酸锌缓蚀剂对涂层破损处金属基底的缓蚀作用。电化学阻抗谱结果表明,添加有磷酸锌缓蚀剂涂层在浸泡七天后的低频阻抗模值高出纯环氧涂层一个数量级。此外,添加有磷酸锌缓蚀剂涂层在划伤处也显示出更少的腐蚀产物,再次印证了磷酸锌对金属基底的缓蚀作用。ACM传感器腐蚀电流的变化趋势与常规电化学阻抗谱及表面分析测试结果具有明显的一致性,说明ACM技术在评价有机涂层腐蚀防护性能方面具有极大潜力。


Assessing the corrosion protection property of coatings loaded with corrosion inhibitors using the real-time atmospheric corrosion monitoring technique

Abstract: The atmospheric corrosion monitoring (ACM) technique has been widely employed to track the real-time corrosion behavior of metal materials. However, limited studies have applied ACM to the corrosion protection properties of organic coatings. This study compared a bare epoxy coating with one containing zinc phosphate corrosion inhibitors, both applied on ACM sensors, to observe their corrosion protection properties over time. Coatings with artificial damage via scratches were exposed to immersion and alternating dry and wet environments, which allowed for monitoring galvanic corrosion currents in real-time. Throughout the corrosion tests, the ACM currents of the zinc phosphate/epoxy coating were considerably lower than those of the blank epoxy coating. The trend in ACM current variations closely matched the results obtained from regular electrochemical tests and surface analysis. This alignment highlights the potential of the ACM technique in evaluating the corrosion protection capabilities of organic coatings. Compared with the blank epoxy coating, the zinc phosphate/epoxy coating showed much-decreased ACM current values that confirmed the effective inhibition of zinc phosphate against steel corrosion beneath the damaged coating.


