Cite this article as:

Xiaopeng Chi, Haoyu Liu, Jun Xia, Hang Chen, Xiangtao Yu, Wei Weng, and Shuiping Zhong, Breaking the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure to enhance copper–slag separation, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 10, pp.2312-2325.
Xiaopeng Chi, Haoyu Liu, Jun Xia, Hang Chen, Xiangtao Yu, Wei Weng, and Shuiping Zhong, Breaking the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure to enhance copper–slag separation, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 10, pp.2312-2325.
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摘要: Fe3O4颗粒析出引起熔渣粘度增加、Fe3O4包裹铜锍结构的形成阻碍铜物相暴露是铜渣高效贫化的主要障碍。本文将黄铁矿–无烟煤压制造粒成复合球团作为还原剂取代商用粉状黄铁矿或无烟煤,用于深度还原熔渣中的Fe3O4以促进渣–锍分离,破除Fe3O4包裹铜锍微观结构以促使铜锍液滴充分暴露。当使用质量分数1%的复合颗粒作为还原剂时,铜锍微粒从25 μm长大到毫米级尺寸,底部渣含铜质量分数从1.2%显著富集到4.5%。密度泛函理论计算结果表明,Fe3O4包裹铜结构的形成是由于Cu2S优先粘附在Fe3O4颗粒上。X射线光电子能谱、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)和拉曼光谱结果均表明,Fe3O4高效还原为FeO可以降低熔渣中固相的体积分数,促进硅酸盐网络结构的解聚及熔渣粘度的降低。相应地,铜锍沉降聚集更易进行,铜–渣分离效率提高,铜的回收率得以提升。研究结果为熔渣中铜的原位富集提供了新的思路。


Breaking the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure to enhance copper–slag separation

Abstract: The precipitation of Fe3O4 particles and the accompanied formation of Fe3O4-wrapped copper structure are the main obstacles to copper recovery from the molten slag during the pyrometallurgical smelting of copper concentrates. Herein, the commercial powdery pyrite or anthracite is replaced with pyrite–anthracite pellets as the reductants to remove a large amount of Fe3O4 particles in the molten slag, resulting in a deep fracture in the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure and the full exposure of the copper matte cores. When 1wt% composite pellet is used as the reductant, the copper matte droplets are enlarged greatly from 25 μm to a size observable by the naked eye, with the copper content being enriched remarkably from 1.2wt% to 4.5wt%. Density functional theory calculation results imply that the formation of the Fe3O4-wrapped copper structure is due to the preferential adhesion of Cu2S on the Fe3O4 particles. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), and Raman spectroscopy results all reveal that the high-efficiency conversion of Fe3O4 to FeO can decrease the volume fraction of the solid phase and promote the depolymerization of silicate network structure. As a consequence, the settling of copper matte droplets is enhanced due to the lowered slag viscosity, contributing to the high efficiency of copper–slag separation for copper recovery. The results provide new insights into the enhanced in-situ enrichment of copper from molten slag.


