Cite this article as:

Zhongliang Wang, and Yanping Bao, New steelmaking process based on clean deoxidation technology, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 6, pp.1249-1262.
Zhongliang Wang, and Yanping Bao, New steelmaking process based on clean deoxidation technology, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 6, pp.1249-1262.
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摘要: 在现代长流程炼钢生产中,高炉以煤粉和焦炭等还原铁矿石,生成碳饱和的铁水。转炉以铁水和废钢为原料吹入大量氧气实现脱碳、脱磷和升温,获得氧含量较高的钢液。精炼工序必须加入铁合金脱除初炼钢液中过量氧。但该工艺会使加入钢液的脱氧剂与氧结合形成大量无法完全去除的氧化物夹杂,而且需要消耗大量的脱氧合金,增加了钢铁生产流程的碳排放量。为解决这些问题,本课题组经过多年的研究工作,已经形成了包括:钢液碳脱氧、钢液氢脱氧、废弃塑料脱氧等系列洁净化脱氧技术。该技术已经在实验室中进行了多次热态实验,并在非铝脱氧轴承钢的工业生产中得到了应用,均取得了良好的效果。本研究通过热力学计算和实验室热态实验验证了碳在常压和真空下的脱氧限度,证明了氢气也具有将钢液中全氧含量降低至10×10−6以下的能力,分析了聚乙烯脱氧机理和消耗量。实验室热态实验表明采用洁净化脱氧技术后,轴承钢氧含量能够控制在6.3×10−6,夹杂物数量密度比铝脱氧轴承钢减少74.73%。齿轮钢氧含量能够达到7.7×10−6,夹杂物数量密度降低了54.49%,且基本不含5μm以上大尺寸夹杂。高速钢全氧含量可以降低到仅为3.7×10−6。工业生产实践进一步证明了在终脱氧阶段采用洁净化脱氧技术的非铝脱氧轴承钢中氧含量能够降低到8×10−6以下,并且其氧化物夹杂成分以硅酸盐类为主还有少量的尖晶石及钙铝酸盐。


New steelmaking process based on clean deoxidation technology

Abstract: After the converter steelmaking process, a considerable number of ferroalloys are needed to remove dissolved oxygen from the molten steel, but it also forms a lot of oxide inclusions that cannot be completely removed. At the same time, it increases the carbon emissions in the steel production process. After years of research, our team have developed a series of clean deoxidation technologies, including carbon deoxidation, hydrogen deoxidation, and waste plastic deoxidation of molten steel to address the aforementioned issues. In this study, thermodynamic calculations and laboratory experiments were employed to verify that carbon and hydrogen can reduce the total oxygen content in the molten steel melt to below 5 × 10−6 and 10 × 10−6, respectively. An analysis of the deoxidation mechanisms and effects of polyethylene and polypropylene was also conducted. In addition, the applications of carbon deoxidation technology in different steels with the hot-state experiment and industrial production were discussed carefully. The carbon deoxidation experimental results of different steels were as follows: (1) the oxygen content of bearing steel was effectively controlled at 6.3 × 10−6 and the inclusion number density was lowered by 74.73% compared to aluminum deoxidized bearing steel; (2) the oxygen content in gear steel was reduced to 7.7 × 10−6 and a 54.49% reduction of inclusion number density was achieved with almost no inclusions larger than 5 μm from the average level of industry gear steels; (3) a total oxygen content of M2 high-speed steel was as low as 3.7 × 10−6. In industrial production practice, carbon deoxidation technique was applied in the final deoxidation stage for non-aluminum deoxidized bearing steel, and it yielded excellent results that the oxygen content was reduced to below 8 × 10−6 and the oxide inclusions in the steel mainly consist of silicates, along with small amounts of spinel and calcium aluminate.


