Cite this article as:

Xiaoxiao Wang, and Qingsong Huang, Quickly obtaining densely dispersed coherent particles in steel matrix and its related mechanical property, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 1, pp.111-118.
Xiaoxiao Wang, and Qingsong Huang, Quickly obtaining densely dispersed coherent particles in steel matrix and its related mechanical property, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 1, pp.111-118.
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摘要: 对于传统工程结构材料而言,在不牺牲韧性的前提下提高强度或同时提高强度和韧性已成为各种应用的关键指标。当第二相粒子与基体之间形成稳定的共格界面时在提高材料强度的同时不会破坏其韧性。目前,在金属基体中引入高密度第二相共格粒子的制备工艺路线大致可以分为液相-固相路线和固相-固相路线两种。然而,这些方法均需要进一步的热处理来析出细小的第二相颗粒,其工艺复杂且耗时较长,通常需要几十小时以上。本文采用动态磁场强化的液相精炼工艺制备了共格纳米粒子强化钢(Fe–TYMO钢)和纯铁素体钢,并通过轧制及退火处理对铸态钢的晶粒尺寸进行优化和等轴化。分别对第二相颗粒(包括分布、尺寸、成分以及与金属基体的界面结构关系)、微观组织以及力学性能进行了研究。结果表明,通过该工艺可以快速(约3 min)将大粒子分裂和剪切为细小的第二相粒子(<5 nm)。Fe–TYMO钢中密集分布着第二相Ti–Y–Mn–O颗粒,其平均直径约为(3.53 ± 1.21) nm,并且与基体形成了良好的共格结构。经700°C轧制后,这些共格颗粒仍保持较高的热稳定性。铸态组织时,Fe–TYMO钢的晶粒尺寸为229 μm,对应的抗压屈服强度为303 MPa;在700°C下分别以应变速率0.1、1、10 s-1轧制后,Fe–TYMO钢的晶粒尺寸减小为78–136 μm,对应的抗压屈服强度分别为397、514和569 MPa。最后,研究了第二相粒子的加工硬化机制为Orowan机制。


Quickly obtaining densely dispersed coherent particles in steel matrix and its related mechanical property

Abstract: Densely distributed coherent nanoparticles (DCN) in steel matrix can enhance the work-hardening ability and ductility of steel simultaneously. All the routes to this end can be generally classified into the liquid–solid route and the solid–solid route. However, the formation of DCN structures in steel requires long processes and complex steps. So far, obtaining steel with coherent particle enhancement in a short time remains a bottleneck, and some necessary steps remain unavoidable. Here, we show a high-efficiency liquid-phase refining process reinforced by a dynamic magnetic field. Ti–Y–Mn–O particles had an average size of around (3.53 ± 1.21) nm and can be obtained in just around 180 s. These small nanoparticles were coherent with the matrix, implying no accumulated dislocations between the particles and the steel matrix. Our findings have a potential application for improving material machining capacity, creep resistance, and radiation resistance.


