Cite this article as:

Yongcheng Zhang, Taiqi Yin, Lei Zhang, Xiaochen Zhang, Tao Bo, Xiaoli Tan, Mei Li, and Wei Han, Electrochemical extraction of strontium from molten salts using reactive zinc and aluminum electrodes, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
Yongcheng Zhang, Taiqi Yin, Lei Zhang, Xiaochen Zhang, Tao Bo, Xiaoli Tan, Mei Li, and Wei Han, Electrochemical extraction of strontium from molten salts using reactive zinc and aluminum electrodes, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
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摘要: 核能是优化能源结构、保障能源供给安全、实现“双碳”目标、应对气候变化的重要手段之一。对乏燃料进行后处理实现闭式燃料循环是解决铀资源短缺的关键途径。Sr-90是备受关注的裂变产物之一,热力学稳定性高,从核废物中分离出Sr,可以大大提高地质处置库的空间利用率。本文旨在探究基于活性电极的去极化作用实现高释热核素Sr的提取。本文采用不同的电化学方法探究了熔盐体系中Sr与活性Zn/Al电极的相互作用,验证了对电解精炼后的熔盐中累积的Sr提取分离的可行性,并确定了Sr在活性Zn/Al电极上去极化值为0.864 V和0.485 V。通过控制电位和电流法对Sr进行了提取,电解过程中的最大电流效率约为54%,这主要受到Sr的热力学稳定性相较于Li更高。通过活性电极提取后的产物中的金属间化合物分别为Zn13Sr和Al4Sr,结合第一性原理计算结果分析,其均为稳定的富金属相。研究结果表明,Zn与Sr的强化学相互作用和Zn在实验条件下的液态性质使其在实际应用中会具有更好的提取分离效果。


Electrochemical extraction of strontium from molten salts using reactive zinc and aluminum electrodes

Abstract: Herein, the electrochemical behaviors of Sr on inert W electrode and reactive Zn/Al electrodes were systematically investigated in LiCl–KCl–SrCl2 molten salts at 773 K using various electrochemical methods. The chemical reaction potentials of Li and Sr on reactive Zn/Al electrodes were determined. We observed that Sr could be extracted by decreasing the activity of the deposited metal Sr on the reactive electrode, although the standard reduction potential of Sr(II)/Sr was more negative than that of Li(I)/Li. The electrochemical extraction products of Sr on reactive Zn and Al electrodes were Zn13Sr and Al4Sr, respectively, with no codeposition of Li observed. Based on the density functional theory calculations, both Zn13Sr and Al4Sr were identified as stable intermetallic compounds with Zn-/Al-rich phases. In LiCl–KCl molten salt containing 3wt% SrCl2, the coulombic efficiency of Sr in the Zn electrode was ~54%. The depolarization values for Sr on Zn and Al electrodes were 0.864 and 0.485 V, respectively, exhibiting a stronger chemical interaction between Zn and Sr than between Al and Sr. This study suggests that using reactive electrodes can facilitate extraction of Sr accumulated while electrorefining molten salts, thereby enabling the purification and reuse of the salt and decreasing the volume of the nuclear waste.


