Cite this article as:

Jialin Sun, Xiao Li, Le Zhao, and Jun Zhao, Effects of high-entropy alloy binders on the microstructure and mechanical/thermal properties of cemented carbides, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
Jialin Sun, Xiao Li, Le Zhao, and Jun Zhao, Effects of high-entropy alloy binders on the microstructure and mechanical/thermal properties of cemented carbides, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
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摘要: 传统硬质合金刀具的粘结相金属特性(主要为Co),决定了其存在硬度与韧性的矛盾以及耐磨性和化学稳定性表现不足,从而难以适应难加工材料高速切削过程中的非均匀热–力–化学多场耦合与交互作用。此外,Co作为稀缺战略资源,其价格持续上升,如何节约Co资源已成为我国乃至全球制造业发展不可回避的一个重大课题,发展新型替Co粘结相是实现高性能硬质合金刀具可持续发展与硬质合金刀具高质、高效、绿色切削的最基本前提之一。相对金属Co粘结相,高熵合金具有高软化温度及较为优异的常/高温力学性能与抗氧化性能,可实现宽温域服役与基于性能需求调控元素组成,将其作为硬质合金刀具替Co粘结相,有可能引入常/高温强韧化、减摩润滑、高温抗氧化等多种性能增效机制,从而显著提升硬质合金刀具热–力–化学综合性能及高速切削服役可靠性。本文基于机械合金化及二步放电等离子烧结工艺成功研制了六种高熵合金黏结相(CoCrFeNiMn, CoCrFeMnAl, CoCrFeNiAl, CoCrNiMnAl, CoFeNiMnAl, CrFeNiMnAl)硬质合金,研究了高熵合金黏结相对于硬质合金组织、结构及性能影响规律。研究表明,通过黏结相组元调控,可实现硬质合金硬度和韧性的同步提升。此外,研究发现,高熵合金黏结相硬质合金具有显著低于传统金属黏结相硬质合金的热导率。


Effects of high-entropy alloy binders on the microstructure and mechanical/thermal properties of cemented carbides

Abstract: The binder phase performs critically on the comprehensive properties of cemented carbides, especially the hardness (HV) and fracture toughness (KIC) relationship. There are strong motivations in both research community and industry for developing alternative binders to Co in cemented carbide system, due to the reasons such as price instability, property degeneration, and toxicity. Herein, six kinds of high entropy alloys (HEA) including CoCrFeNiMn, CoCrFeMnAl, CoCrFeNiAl, CoCrNiMnAl, CoFeNiMnAl, and CrFeNiMnAl were employed as the alternative binder for the preparation of WC–HEA cemented carbides through mechanical alloying and two-step spark plasma sintering. The impacts of HEA on the microstructures, mechanical properties, and thermal conductivity of WC–HEA hardmetals were determined and discussed. WC–HEA hardmetals exhibited both superior HV and KIC to WC–metal or WC–intermetallic cemented carbides, indicating that HEA alloys were not only harder but also tougher in comparison with traditional metal or intermetallic binders. The HEA bonded hardmetals yielded thermal conductivities much lower than that of traditional WC–Co cemented carbide. The excellent HV–KIC relationship of WC–HEA facilitated the potential engineering structural application of cemented carbides.


