Cite this article as:

Zhenhao Guan, Ying Zhang, Shuming Wen, Qi Zuo, Yu Wu, and Xiaokang Li, Flotation separation of scheelite and calcite using the biopolymer konjac glucomannan: A novel and eco-friendly depressant, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
Zhenhao Guan, Ying Zhang, Shuming Wen, Qi Zuo, Yu Wu, and Xiaokang Li, Flotation separation of scheelite and calcite using the biopolymer konjac glucomannan: A novel and eco-friendly depressant, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
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摘要: 本研究旨在深入探究魔芋葡甘聚糖(KGM)在浮选法分离方解石与白钨矿过程中的影响及作用机制。通过一系列微浮选试验发现,在 50 mg/L KGM 的作用下,方解石的可浮性显著降低,而对白钨矿的可浮性几乎无影响,从而实现了高达 82.53% 的浮选回收率差异。进一步借助傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)与原子力显微镜(AFM)分析,证实了 KGM 在方解石表面具有选择性吸附特性。Zeta 电位及紫外可见吸收光谱测试结果表明,KGM 能够有效阻止油酸钠在方解石表面的吸附。X 射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析结果不仅证实了 KGM 在方解石表面的化学吸附行为,还揭示了Ca(OH)₂的形成过程。此外,密度泛函理论(DFT)模拟结果与浮选试验相吻合,进一步阐明了 KGM 在方解石表面的强吸附性能。综上所述,本研究充分利用 KGM 这一类生物聚合物的独特性质,成功探索出了一种高可持续性且成本效益显著的矿物加工方法,为从脉石矿物中高效分离有价矿物提供了新途径。


Flotation separation of scheelite and calcite using the biopolymer konjac glucomannan: A novel and eco-friendly depressant

Abstract: This study investigated the effect of konjac glucomannan (KGM) on the flotation separation of calcite and scheelite. Micro-flotation tests showed that under the action of 50 mg/L KGM, the floatability of calcite notably decreased, while the impact on scheelite was negligible, resulting in a recovery difference of 82.53%. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) analyses indicated the selective adsorption of KGM on the calcite surface. Test results of the zeta potential and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy revealed that KGM prevented the adsorption of sodium oleate on the calcite surface. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis further confirmed the chemical adsorption of KGM on the calcite surface and the formation of Ca(OH)2. The density functional theory (DFT) simulation results were consistent with the flotation tests, demonstrating the strong adsorption performance of KGM on the calcite surface. This study offers a pathway for highly sustainable and cost-effective mineral processing by utilizing the unique properties of biopolymers such as KGM to separate valuable minerals from gangue minerals.


