Cite this article as:

Junjie Shi, Chenglong Jiang, Yifei Cao, Yumo Zhai, Yuchao Qiu, Hangkai Shi, Maoxi Yao, and Jianzhong Li, Effect of 5wt% Fe3O4 addition on the phase equilibria of the CaO–SiO2–TiO2 system at 1400°C in air, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 4, pp.851-858.
Junjie Shi, Chenglong Jiang, Yifei Cao, Yumo Zhai, Yuchao Qiu, Hangkai Shi, Maoxi Yao, and Jianzhong Li, Effect of 5wt% Fe3O4 addition on the phase equilibria of the CaO–SiO2–TiO2 system at 1400°C in air, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 4, pp.851-858.
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5wt% Fe3O4添加对CaO–SiO2–TiO2体系1400°C相平衡关系的影响

摘要: 本文研究了在1400°C空气气氛下,5wt% Fe3O4添加对CaO–SiO2–TiO2体系相平衡关系的影响。采用高温平衡实验方法,在MoSi2电阻炉中进行实验,并利用电子探针显微分析及X射线衍射对平衡相进行表征。研究发现,该体系在1400°C下主要存在单一液相区、液–固相平衡区(包括液相–鳞石英、液相–金红石、液相–钙钛矿、液相–硅灰石)以及液相–鳞石英–金红石和液相–金红石–钙钛矿三相区。通过实验构建了该体系在1400°C下的等温截面图,并与FactSag 计算结果进行了对比,二者具有较好的一致性。研究表明,Fe3O4的加入显著扩大了钙钛矿的初晶区,为选择性结晶与相分离工艺中富集和分离钛资源提供了重要的热力学数据支持。研究结果可为含钛高炉渣的高效利用及相关冶金工艺的优化提供理论指导。


Effect of 5wt% Fe3O4 addition on the phase equilibria of the CaO–SiO2–TiO2 system at 1400°C in air

Abstract: The equilibrium phase relations of the CaO–SiO2–TiO2–5wt%Fe3O4 system were experimentally investigated at 1400°C in air. High-temperature equilibration-quenching techniques were employed in an electric MoSi2 resistance heated furnace, with phase composition analysis conducted using an electron probe microanalyzer and X-ray diffraction. A single liquid region, liquid–solid phase equilibria regions (including liquid–tridymite, liquid–rutile, liquid–perovskite, and liquid–wollastonite), and three-phase equilibria regions of liquid–tridymite–rutile and liquid–rutile–perovskite were found. The 1400°C isothermal sections of the CaO–SiO2–TiO2–5wt%Fe3O4 system in air were projected. The present experimental results exhibited good agreement with the calculation results obtained from FactSage.


