Cite this article as:

Xiang Li, Nengwu Zhu, Yunhao Xi, Fei Li, and Pengfei Zhang, Efficient AlN decomposition and Al species transformation in secondary aluminum dross through co-sintering with waste sodium acetate, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
Xiang Li, Nengwu Zhu, Yunhao Xi, Fei Li, and Pengfei Zhang, Efficient AlN decomposition and Al species transformation in secondary aluminum dross through co-sintering with waste sodium acetate, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
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摘要: 二次铝灰中可回收铝组分含量近70%,是回收Al的重要二次资源,但其赋存的高含量AlN具有巨大环境风险。因此,近全去除AlN对二次铝灰资源化利用至关重要,但复杂的铝组分和高成本的添加剂给这一过程带来了挑战。本研究提出废醋酸钠可作为环保添加剂,用于近全去除AlN并提高二次铝灰中Al的提取效率。本文将废醋酸钠与二次铝灰共烧结,通过建立共烧结体系和分析Al组分矿相转化过程,识别了AlN深度去除和铝组分高效提取的阻碍因素,探明了醋酸钠诱导Al组分转化机制。研究结果表明,由于醋酸钠分解放热,在850°C下反应即可高效进行。经烧结,AlN的去除效率达到了93.19%,在随后的浸出过程中,铝的浸出效率达到了90.49%,分别比对照组提高了37.86%和375.26%。这些结果归因于Al组分的综合转化。二次铝灰稳定的铝组分结构被NaAc破坏并转化为可浸出相Na1.95Al1.95Si0.05O4。同时被包裹的AlN得以暴露,反应形成的疏松结构也促进了其深度去除。由此可见,废醋酸钠可作为有效添加剂促进SAD中AlN去除和铝提取。


Efficient AlN decomposition and Al species transformation in secondary aluminum dross through co-sintering with waste sodium acetate

Abstract: Secondary aluminum dross (SAD) is a rich source of recyclable aluminum but poses considerable risk due to its high AlN content. Therefore, thoroughly removing AlN is essential, but intricate aluminum components and expensive additives pose challenges to the process. In this study, waste sodium acetate is proposed as an environmentally friendly additive for completely removing AlN and enhancing the extraction of aluminum from SAD. Through the exothermic decomposition of NaAc, reactions can occur at 850°C. AlN removal efficiency reached 93.19% after sintering, whereas Al leaching efficiency in the subsequent leaching process reached 90.49%, which were 37.86% and 375.26% higher than the removal efficiency of the control, respectively. These favorable results were attributed to the comprehensive transformation of aluminum species. The formation of soluble phase Na1.95Al1.95Si0.05O4 occurred during the destruction of the Al2O3 layer surrounding AlN and the transformation of other aluminum components. AlN decomposed upon contact with NaAc. Therefore, this study utilizes the decomposition properties of NaAc to provide an efficient and environmentally friendly route for removing AlN and extracting Al from SAD.


