Cite this article as:

Meishi Hu, Jing Chen, Mingjun Rao, Siyu Chen, Jun Luo, Guanghui Li, and Tao Jiang, Oxidative acid leaching behavior of Fe–Ni–Co alloy powder derived from a laterite ore, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 4, pp.825-834.
Meishi Hu, Jing Chen, Mingjun Rao, Siyu Chen, Jun Luo, Guanghui Li, and Tao Jiang, Oxidative acid leaching behavior of Fe–Ni–Co alloy powder derived from a laterite ore, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 32(2025), No. 4, pp.825-834.
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摘要: 电动汽车行业的快速发展,驱使镍和钴的需求也随之激增。因此,镍和钴金属高效环保技术的研发势在必行。本研究提出了一种由褐铁矿型红土矿通过选择性还原–磁选获得镍钴铁合金粉末,并由此粉末进一步高效提取镍和钴的方法。在硫酸浓度3 mol/L、浸出温度85°C、液固比10 mL/g 的条件下浸出90 min,合金粉末中镍、钴和铁的浸出率分别为89.4%、94.8%和96.5%。溶液的氧化还原电位在金属溶解过程中起着关键作用,H2O2的加入有效提高了镍、钴和铁的浸出率。磷酸盐沉淀法实现了浸出液中铁的选择性去除,铁的去除率为96.1%,镍的损失率仅为2.29%。


Oxidative acid leaching behavior of Fe–Ni–Co alloy powder derived from a laterite ore

Abstract: The demand for Ni and Co has surged due to the rapid expansion of the electric vehicle industry. Thus, developing efficient and eco-friendly metallurgical routes for extracting these metals has become imperative. This study introduces a sustainable and effective method for extracting Ni and Co from Ni–Co–Fe alloy powder obtained from limonitic laterite ores through selective reduction and magnetic separation. The leaching efficiency for Ni, Co, and Fe was 89.4%, 94.8%, and 96.5%, respectively, under the following conditions for leaching: 3 mol/L H2SO4, 85°C, 10 mL/g liquid–solid ratio, and 90 min leaching time. The incorporation of H2O2 enhanced the leaching efficiency for Ni, Co, and Fe. The redox potential of the solution plays a crucial role in acid dissolution, and H2O2 enhances Ni and Co dissolution. Phosphate precipitation facilitated the removal of Fe from the leachate, affording a 96.1% Fe removal ratio and 2.29% Ni loss.


