Cite this article as:

Xiaoyu Jiang, Sikai Zhao, Yaozhong Qi, Jiafang Zhang, Wenbao Liu, Qiang Zhao, and Yanbai Shen, Synthesis of a halloysite/MnFe2O4 heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the efficient degradation of organic pollutants, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
Xiaoyu Jiang, Sikai Zhao, Yaozhong Qi, Jiafang Zhang, Wenbao Liu, Qiang Zhao, and Yanbai Shen, Synthesis of a halloysite/MnFe2O4 heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the efficient degradation of organic pollutants, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
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摘要: 本研究针对传统芬顿工艺存在的pH适用范围窄、催化剂回收困难及二次污染等问题,通过将铁酸锰纳米颗粒负载于酸活化埃洛石表面,成功制备出埃洛石/铁酸锰非均相芬顿催化剂。经优化制备条件(铁酸锰负载量为15%、热处理温度400°C及溶剂蒸发法),所得催化剂在pH 4–10范围内对50 mg/L亚甲基蓝的降解效率达90%以上,同时显著提高了双氧水利用率。该催化剂具有良好的磁分离特性,可实现快速回收,且对常见阴离子和腐殖酸表现出良好的抗干扰降解能力。而且,该催化剂对苯甲羟肟酸、黄药及曙红Y等多种有机污染物均展现高效降解性能。电子顺磁共振谱及淬灭实验表明,体系中为羟基自由基和超氧自由基为主要活性氧物种,其中,羟基自由基直接攻击亚甲基蓝分子,而超氧自由基加速金属离子的还原。机理分析表明,铁酸锰通过铁和锰物种的氧化还原循环持续活化双氧水产生活性氧物种,而埃洛石通过强吸附作用缩短活性氧物种与污染物的传质距离。这种吸附–催化协同机制使体系在宽pH范围和复杂水质条件下均能保持高效降解性能。


Synthesis of a halloysite/MnFe2O4 heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the efficient degradation of organic pollutants

Abstract: To address the limitations associated with conventional Fenton processes, which often exhibit a restricted pH range and present challenges in terms of catalyst recovery and second pollutant, magnetic heterogeneous halloysite (HNT)/MnFe2O4 catalysts were optimally synthesized, which could achieve 90% removal efficiency for 50 mg/L methylene blue (MB) at pH 4–10 and have high hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) utilization efficiencies. In addition, the catalysts could be easily separated from a solution through magnetic separation. The degradation efficiency of methylene blue (MB) exhibited remarkable resilience against common aqueous interferents with anions ( \mathrmN\mathrmO_3^- , Cl, \mathrmS\mathrmO_4^2- ) and humic acid, demonstrating negligible inhibitory effects. Notably, carbonate species ( \mathrmC\mathrmO_3^2- and \mathrmH\mathrmC\mathrmO_3^- ) even elicited a promotional effect on the catalytic process. Furthermore, the removal efficiency of MB only decreased by less than 10% in the fifth cycle compared with that of a fresh catalyst. Furthermore, the HNT/MnFe2O4 catalyst effectively degraded various organic pollutants, such as benzohydroxamic acid, xanthate, and eosin Y. The excellent catalytic performance of the catalysts was attributed to the synergistic effects between HNT and MnFe2O4. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra and quenching experiments indicated that the main reactive oxygen species that participated in the degradation process were ·OH and \cdot \mathrmO_2^- . ·OH directly attacked MB molecules, and \cdot \mathrmO_2^- accelerated the reduction of metal ions. Therefore, the catalysts showed considerable potential for organic pollutant degradation. This study provides valuable insights into the synthesis of novel catalysts and their practical applications in organic wastewater purification.


