Cite this article as:

Tianxiang Bai, Tuanwei Zhang, Zhiming Jiao, Jinyao Ma, Hui Chang, Jianjun Wang, Dan Zhao, Shengguo Ma, Zhouzhu Mao, Xiaoxiao Liu, and Zhihua Wang, Achieving the excellent intermediate-temperature strength–ductility synergy in a fine-grained FeCrNi-based medium entropy alloy with heterogeneous precipitation, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
Tianxiang Bai, Tuanwei Zhang, Zhiming Jiao, Jinyao Ma, Hui Chang, Jianjun Wang, Dan Zhao, Shengguo Ma, Zhouzhu Mao, Xiaoxiao Liu, and Zhihua Wang, Achieving the excellent intermediate-temperature strength–ductility synergy in a fine-grained FeCrNi-based medium entropy alloy with heterogeneous precipitation, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
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摘要: Fe–Cr–Ni奥氏体合金广泛应用于核轻水反应堆热端部件、涡轮盘和气体压缩机等领域,但高温下强度较低限制了其工程应用。本研究通过向FeCrNi等原子合金中引入Al和Si元素,开发出一种新型沉淀强化合金体系。研究结果表明,FeCrNiAlxSix(原子分数,x = 0.1,0.2)合金具有异质沉淀结构,在晶界处存在微米级σ相,晶内存在纳米尺度的有序体心立方结构(B2)相。FeCrNiAl0.1Si0.1合金由于晶粒细化和沉淀强化,在宽温度范围内实现了优异的强塑性协同。值得注意的是,在873 K时,该合金的屈服强度达到693.83 MPa,抗拉强度达到817.55 MPa,均匀伸长率为18.27%。在低温和室温下,B2相的位错剪切机制、σ相的Orowan绕过机制,以及基体中高密度的纳米孪晶和层错,共同促成了合金优异的力学性能。此外,在中温下,基体中锯齿状σ相和微孪晶的出现对强化和增韧机制起着关键作用。本研究为开发在宽温度范围内具有优异强塑性协同的沉淀硬化型Fe–Cr–Ni奥氏体合金提供了新的视角和策略。


Achieving the excellent intermediate-temperature strength–ductility synergy in a fine-grained FeCrNi-based medium entropy alloy with heterogeneous precipitation

Abstract: Fe–Cr–Ni austenitic alloys are extensively utilized in the hot-end components of nuclear light water reactors, turbine disks, and gas compressors. However, their low strength at elevated temperatures limits their engineering applications. In this study, a novel precipitation-strengthened alloy system is developed by incorporating Al and Si elements into a FeCrNi equiatomic alloy. The results indicate that the FeCrNiAlxSix (at%, x = 0.1, 0.2) alloys possess heterogeneous precipitation structures that feature a micron-scale σ phase at the grain boundaries and a nanoscale ordered body-centered cube (B2) phase within the grains. An exceptional strength–ductility synergy across a wide temperature range is achieved in FeCrNiAl0.1Si0.1 alloys due to grain refinement and precipitation strengthening. Notably, a yield strength of 693.83 MPa, an ultimate tensile strength of 817.55 MPa, and a uniform elongation of 18.27% are attained at 873 K. The dislocation shearing mechanism for B2 phases and the Orowan bypass mechanism for σ phase, coupled with a high density of nano-twins and stacking faults in the matrix, contribute to the excellent mechanical properties at cryogenic and ambient temperatures. Moreover, the emergence of serrated σ phase and micro-twins in the matrix plays a crucial role in the strengthening and toughening mechanisms at intermediate temperatures. This study offers a novel perspective and strategy for the development of precipitation-hardened Fe–Cr–Ni austenitic alloys with exceptional strength–ductility synergy over a broad temperature range.


