Cite this article as:

Shaofeng Wang, Yumeng Wu, Xinlei Shi, Xin Cai, and Zilong Zhou, Strength prediction and cuttability identification of rock based on monitoring while cutting (MWC) using a conical pick, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
Shaofeng Wang, Yumeng Wu, Xinlei Shi, Xin Cai, and Zilong Zhou, Strength prediction and cuttability identification of rock based on monitoring while cutting (MWC) using a conical pick, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater.,(2025).
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摘要: 基于随采监测的岩石强度和可切割性实时分级是实现采掘参数精细调控与硬岩原位改性等关键环节的重要基础。本研究提出了一种岩石强度和可切割性智能预测方法。通过收集镐型截齿截割试验数据,构建了包含132组样本的数据库,其中涵盖了截割参数(如截割深度、截齿角度)、截割响应指标(如破岩比能、瞬时切割率)以及岩石强度参数。将上述参数作为输入特征,采用拟合回归与机器学习回归方法,分别对岩石的单轴抗压强度和抗拉强度进行预测。此外,结合层次分析法与模糊综合评价法对岩石可切割性进行分级评价,并利用机器学习算法实现岩石可切割性的智能分级。通过对比多种模型的表现性能,确定了最优的预测与分类模型。研究结果表明,遗传算法优化的反向传播神经网络在强度预测中综合表现最佳,而径向基神经网络则在岩石可切割性分类预测中展现出最优性能。


Strength prediction and cuttability identification of rock based on monitoring while cutting (MWC) using a conical pick

Abstract: Real-time identification of rock strength and cuttability based on monitoring while cutting during excavation is essential for key procedures such as the precise adjustment of excavation parameters and the in-situ modification of hard rocks. This study proposes an intelligent approach for predicting rock strength and cuttability. A database comprising 132 data sets is established, containing cutting parameters (such as cutting depth and pick angle), cutting responses (such as specific energy and instantaneous cutting rate), and rock mechanical parameters collected from conical pick-cutting experiments. These parameters serve as input features for predicting the uniaxial compressive strength and tensile strength of rocks using regression fitting and machine learning methodologies. In addition, rock cuttability is classified using a combination of the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and subsequently identified through machine learning approaches. Various models are compared to determine the optimal predictive and classification models. The results indicate that the optimal model for uniaxial compressive strength and tensile strength prediction is the genetic algorithm–optimized backpropagation neural network model, and the optimal model for rock cuttability classification is the radial basis neural network model.


