Fine spheroidal and equiaxed nondendritic microstructures required for semisolid casting can be formed through a serpentine pouting channel. Effects of the pouring temperature and the vertical section length of the serpentine pouring channel were studied. The results indicate that both favorable semisolid microstructures of A356 aluminum alloy can be generated by a serpentine pouring channel, and the solid shell inside the channel can be avoided when the pouting temperature is in the range from 660 to 680℃. It is also shown that the vertical section length of the serpentine pouting channel has a significant influence on the microstructure of the feedstock, namely both the microstructure of the feedstock and the microstructure uniformity in the radial direction get worse when the vertical section length is shortened; moreover, the pouring temperature for obtaining the feedstock with suitable microstructure decreases. The relevant mechanisms were discussed.