Stress relaxation was chosen as the best method for monitoring the precipitation process. Tests were carried out on an ultra-low carbon bainitic steel containing Mn, Nb and B over 800~950℃. Specimens were solution treated at 1250℃ for a certain holding period. A prestain of 20% was applied at a strain rate of 0.1/s. The experimental results are displayed by a set of stress vs. 1g(time) curves different from the typical stress relaxation curves. There are two singularities forming a stress plateau on the stress vs.1g(time) curves when precipitates could be observed. Suppose the first one is the start of precipitation (
Ps), and the second represcnts the fihish (
Pf). As a result Precipitation-Time-Temperature relationship is described as C-shape curves based on two points. This mechanical method is suitable and precise for measuring precipitates in microalloyed steels during hot working.