A novel method for improving cerussite sulfidization
Qi-cheng Feng, Shu-ming Wen, Wen-juan Zhao, Qin-bo Cao, Chao Lü
2016, 23(6): 609-617. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1273-5
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Infiltration behavior of sintering liquid on nuclei ores during low-titanium ore sintering process
Dong-hui Liu, Jian-liang Zhang, Xun Xue, Guang-wei Wang, Ke-jiang Li, Zheng-jian Liu
2016, 23(6): 618-626. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1274-4
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Fluoride evaporation and crystallization behavior of CaF2–CaO–Al2O3–(TiO2) slag for electroslag remelting of Ti-containing steels
Cheng-bin Shi, Jung-wook Cho, Ding-li Zheng, Jing Li
2016, 23(6): 627-636. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1275-3
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Development of inclusions in 3104 alloy melt during heating and holding treatments
Xiao-xiong Luo, Hai-tao Zhang, Xing Han, Shi-jie Guo, Dan-dan Chen, Jian-zhong Cui, Hiromi Nagaumi
2016, 23(6): 637-644. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1276-2
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Abrasive resistance of metastable V–Cr–Mn–Ni spheroidal carbide cast irons using the factorial design method
V. G. Efremenko, K. Shimizu, A. P. Cheiliakh, T. V. Pastukhova, Yu. G. Chabak, K. Kusumoto
2016, 23(6): 645-657. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1277-1
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Influence of soaking time in deep cryogenic treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low-alloy medium-carbon HY-TUF steel
Ahmad Zare, S. R. Hosseini
2016, 23(6): 658-666. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1278-0
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Effect of shot peening on hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steel
Xin-feng Li, Jin Zhang, Ming-ming Ma, Xiao-long Song
2016, 23(6): 667-675. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1279-z
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Effects of sphere size on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ductile iron–steel hollow sphere syntactic foams
Hamid Sazegaran, Ali-Reza Kiani-Rashid, Jalil Vahdati Khaki
2016, 23(6): 676-682. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1280-6
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Preparation and tensile properties of DD5 single crystal castings
Xiang-feng Liang, Yu-tao Zhao, Zhi-hong Jia, Chi Zhang
2016, 23(6): 683-690. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1281-5
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Influence of microstructure on the corrosion resistance of Fe–44Ni thin films
Lin Lu, Tian-cheng Liu, Xiao-gang Li
2016, 23(6): 691-697. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1282-4
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Fluorite Ce0.8Sm0.2O2-δ porous layer coating to enhance the oxygen permeation behavior of a BaCo0.7Fe0.2Nb0.1O3-δ mixed conductor
Tai-he Wang, Wei-jia Song, Rong Li, Qiang Zhen
2016, 23(6): 698-703. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1283-3
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La2Zr2O7 TBCs toughened by Pt particles prepared by cathode plasma electrolytic deposition
Shun-jie Deng, Peng Wang, Ye-dong He, Jin Zhang
2016, 23(6): 704-715. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1284-2
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Effect of sintering on the relative density of Cr-coated diamond/Cu composites prepared by spark plasma sintering
Wei Cui, Hui Xu, Jian-hao Chen, Shu-bin Ren, Xin-bo He, Xuan-hui Qu
2016, 23(6): 716-722. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1285-1
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Graphene-reinforced aluminum matrix composites prepared by spark plasma sintering
Wen-ming Tian, Song-mei Li, Bo Wang, Xin Chen, Jian-hua Liu, Mei Yu
2016, 23(6): 723-729. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-016-1286-0
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