Mechanical Method Determining Precipitation in an Ultra-Low Carbon Bainitic Steel
Zijiu Dang, Yan Thang, Jun Ke, Xinlai He, Shanwu Yang
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 115-118.
Equilibrium Precipitation of Niobium Carbonitride in Austenite
Fuming Wang, Wenchao Li
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 119-122.
High Temperature Ductility Loss of 16MnCr5 Pinion Steels
Haiwen Luo, Pei Zhao, Zijiu Dang
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 123-128.
Three-Dimensional and Cross-sectional Characteristics of Normal Grain Growth Based on Monte Carlo Simulation
Xiaoyan Song, Guoquan Liu
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 129-133,139.
Potential Oscillations of a Stainless Steel Electrode during Galvanostatic Polarization in a Mixed Solution of Sulfuric and Chromic Acids
K Ogura, W Lou, M Nakayama, T Fukum
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 134-139.
Special Orientation Relationships Observed at the Early Stages of Recrystallization in Pure AlMn Alloy
Ping Yang
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 140-146.
Simulation on Slag Splashing for LD Converter
Anren Wang, Shouli Yang, Baohang Tu
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 146-146.
Structure and Formative Mechanism of Black Patina on Bronze Mirrors
Zhaozeng Ma, Ling Du, Xiulan Yin, Lianji Jin, Chunying Fang
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 147-155.
Water Model Study of Level Flunction in Continuous Casting Mold
Jiying Li, Chuanji Han, Kaike Cai, Subo Yang, Xuemo Yan
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 155-155.
Physical Property Model of MnO-SiO2 System
Sitong Niu, Jian Zhang, Guoguang Cheng
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 155-155.
Microstructural Characteristics of CuCr50 Alloy by Laser Refining
Baihe Miao, Jianping He, Donglang Shao
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 156-159.
Microstructral Evolution of the Dendritic AlSi7Mg Alloy during Semi-solid Remelting
Weimin Mao, Xueyou Zhong, Huayu Wang
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 159-159.
Irradiation Damage of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steel after Recrystallization
Benfu Hu, Shunmi Peng, H Takahashi
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 160-164.
One-Dimensional Fractal Curves and Fractal Dimension Determination
Qikai Li, Yue Zhang, Wuyang Chu
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 165-168.
Correlation between Thermal Expansion and Magnetic Characteristics of Fe-Ni Alloys in Fe1-xNix/Cu Superlattices
Weizhong Tang, H Zabel
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 169-174.
Effect of the Solidification Conditions on the Microstructures of AlSi7Mg Alloy during Semi-solid Remelting
Weimin Mao, Xueyou Zhong
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 174-174.
Annealing Texture Evolution of Ti-IF Steel during Batch Annealing
Jing Shi, Xianjin Wang
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 175-179.
Effects of Suspension Casting on Solidification Process of GCr15 Steel Ingot
Yan Yu, Qijie Zhai, Changhu Xing, Jinbao Chen, Hanqi Hu
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 179-179.
Improvement of Boxcar Integrator and Its Application to Low Resistance Measurement of Inductive Load Coil
Xisheng Li, Shaochun Wang
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 180-184.
Effect of Pre-deformation on Abnormal Segregation of Grain Boundary during Recrystallization Process
Bing Cao, Xinlai He
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 184-184.
AGC-ASC Decoupled Neural Networks Predictive Control Method
Thongsuo Shi, Yikang Sun
1998,vol. 5,no.3pp. 184-184.