Synthesis of Zeolites by Alkaline Activation of Fly Ash
Hua wang, Qiang Zhang, Cunyi Song, Fengmei Liu
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 161-163.
NONEL High Precision MS Delay Detonator
Daze Lin, Peng Yang
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 164-166.
Design, Selection and Application of High Efficient Complex Alloys
Jianliang Zhang, Donghua Huang, Zongwang Zhang, Zhanhui Yan, Xuefei Li, Qingsong Huang
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 167-170.
Thermodynamic Behavior of Manganese and Phosphorus between Liquid Iron and CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3-FetO-MnO-P2O5 Slags
Bo Song, Seon-Hyo Kim, Jinghong Mao, Qing Lin
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 171-176.
Investigation on the Copper Content of Matte Smelting Slag in Peirce-Smith Converter
Chunlin Chen, Jiayun Zhang, Meng Bai, Shoukun Wei
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 177-181.
Prediction of Hot Ductility of Low-Carbon Steels Based on BP Network
Xinyu Liu, Bo Wen, Xinhua Wang, Qiang Niu, Hong Chen
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 182-184.
Effects of Catalyst and Additive Containing Li, Na, or Ca on Reduction of Iron Oxide/Carbon Composite Pellets
Xingmin Guo, Shengbi Zhang, Nianxin Fu, Xiaofeng Zhao
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 185-188.
EAM Analysis of the Lattice Parameter Effect in Order-Disorder Transformation
Timothée Nsongo, Xiaodong Ni, Guoliang Chen
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 189-194.
SEM in-situ Fatigue Observation on Crack Initiation and Growth from Inclusion in P/M Rene95 Superalloy
Lina Zhang, Jianxin Dong, Xishan Xie
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 195-197.
Fabrication and Microstructure of W/Cu Functionally Graded Material
Yunhan Ling, Jiangtao Li, Zhangjian Zhou, Changchun Ge
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 198-202.
Semi-solid Processing of Al-7Graghite Composite
Peng Zhang, Yunhui Du, Daben Zeng
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 203-206.
Structural and Electrical Properties of Cu Films by dc Biased Plasma-Sputter-Deposited on MgO(001)
Hong Qiu, Yue Tian, Mituru Hashimoto
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 207-209.
XPS Studies of Magnetic Multilayers
Guanghua Yu, Hongchen Zhao, Jiao Teng, Chunlin Chai, Fengwu Zhu, Yang Xia, Shumin Chai
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 210-213.
Relaxation of Deformed Austenite and Refinement of Bainite in a Nb-Containing Microalloyed Steel
Shanwu Yang, Xuemin Wang, Chengjia Shang, Xinlai He, Yi Yuan
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 214-217.
Comparison of Ferrite Refinement Mechanisms by Different Processing Schedules in 08 and 20Mn Steels
Ping Yang Feng'e Gui, Shicai Ma
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 218-223.
A Special TMCP Used to Develop a 800MPa Grade HSLA Steel
Chengjia Shang, Xuemin Wang, Xinlai He, Shanwu Yang, Yi Yuan
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 224-228.
High Performance Speech Compression System
Ke Liu, Zhichun Mu, Zhong Wang
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 229-233.
Fuzzy Pattern Recognition in Atlas and Images of the Unevenness of Carbide in Tool Steel
Hui Zhang, Angui Li, Zhigang Zhang, Li Jiang
2001,vol. 8,no.3pp. 234-236.