Kinetics of the electrochemical process of galena electrodes in the diethyldithiocarbamate solution
Li-li Cheng, Ti-chang Sun, Xian-ping Luo, Dian-zuo Wang
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 669-674.
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Magnetic and flotation studies of banded hematite quartzite (BHQ) ore for the production of pellet grade concentrate
B. Das, B. K. Mishra, S. Prakash, S. K. Das, P. S. R. Reddy, S. I. Angadi
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 675-682.
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Influence of fly ash fineness and shape on the porosity and permeability of blended cement pastes
Theerawat Sinsiri, Prinya Chindaprasirt, Chai Jaturapitakkul
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 683-690.
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Assessment of deterioration in RHA-concrete due to magnesium sulphate attack
G. A. Habeeb, H. B. Mahmud, N. B. A. A. Hamid
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 691-696.
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Surface turbulence in a physical model of a steel thin slab continuous caster
A. Hajari, M. Meratian
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 697-703.
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Physical modeling of gas-liquid interfacial fluctuation in a thick slab continuous casting mold with argon blowing
Shu-guo Zheng, Miao-yong Zhu
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 704-708.
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Optimization of mixing time in a ladle with dual plugs
Dian-qiao Geng, Hong Lei, Ji-cheng He
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 709-714.
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A process model for BOF process based on bath mixing degree
Guang-hui Li, Bao Wang, Qing Liu, Xin-zhong Tian, Rong Zhu, Li-ning Hu, Guo-guang Cheng
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 715-722.
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Effects of the width and thickness of slabs on broadening in continuous casting
Jian-xun Fu, Jing-she Li, Hui Zhang
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 723-728.
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Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of aging high nitrogen austenitic stainless steels
Zhou-hua Jiang, Zu-rui Zhang, Hua-bing Li, Zhen Li, Ma Qi-feng
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 729-736.
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Grain refinement in the coarse-grained region of the heat-affected zone in low-carbon high-strength microalloyed steels
Ran Wei, Cheng-jia Shang, Kai-ming Wu
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 737-741.
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Effect of Nb on the dynamic recrystallization behavior of high-grade pipeline steels
Tao Niu, Yong-lin Kang, Hong-wei Gu, Yu-qun Yin, Ming-liang Qiao, Jin-xing Jiang
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 742-747.
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Incubation and development of corrosion in microstructures of low alloy steels under a thin liquid film of NaCl aqueous solution
Wen-hua Zhang, Shan-wu Yang, Jia Guo, Zhi-yong Liu, Xin-lai He
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 748-755.
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Influence of Re-Ti modification on the high impact wear resistance of high Si bainitic cast steel
Jin-feng Huang, Hong-sheng Fang, Yan-kang Zheng
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 756-762.
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FEM analysis of metal flowing behaviors in porthole die extrusion based on the mesh reconstruction technology of the welding process
Dong-nan Huang, Zhi-hao Zhang, Jing-yuan Li, Jian-xin Xie
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 763-769.
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A fractal-based model for the microstructure evolution of silicon bronze wires fabricated by dieless drawing
Zhen Wang, Xue-feng Liu, Yong He, Jian-xin Xie
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 770-776.
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Study on NiO/Fe interface with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Chun Feng, Jing-yan Zhang, Jiao Teng, Fu-ming Wang
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 777-781.
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A new route of fabricating porous polyimide membranes
Jiu-mei Xiao, Xin-chun Shang, Li-ping Qin
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 782-785.
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Crystal structure and negative thermal expansion of solid solution Lu2W3-xMoxO12
Jie Peng, Xin-zhi Liu, Fu-li Guo, Song-bai Han, Yun-tao Liu, Dong-feng Chen, Zhong-bo Hu
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 786-790.
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Cathodic behavior of molten CaCl2-CaO and CaCl2-NaCl-CaO
Shu-lan Wang, Wei Wang, Shi-chao Li, Shan-hui Cao
2010,vol. 17,no.6pp. 791-794.
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