Recovery of iron from high phosphorus oolitic iron ore using coal-based reduction followed by magnetic separation
Yong-sheng Sun, Yue-xin Han, Peng Gao, Ze-hong Wang, Duo-zhen Ren
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 411-419.
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Zn release from fluid inclusions in a natural sphalerite
Shu-ming Wen, Jian Liu, Bo Li, Run-sheng Han, Yi Zhang, Jiu-shuai Deng
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 420-426.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Kinetics of bainite-to-austenite transformation during continuous reheating in low carbon microalloyed steel
Ming Chang, Hao Yu
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 427-432.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Microstructure and texture evolution of TRC A8006 alloy by homogenization
Zhong-wei Chen, Jing Zhao, Xiao-lei Hao
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 433-439.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Effect of cooling rate on the magnetic properties of Fe53Nd37Al10 alloy
Qin Bai, Yan-fei Hao, Jiao Wang, Hua Man, Yong-jun Tang, Hui Xu, Shuang Xia
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 440-444.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Correlation between the glass-forming ability and activation energy of crystallization for Zr75−xNi25Alx metallic glasses
Yan-hui Li, Wei Zhang, Chuang Dong, Jian-bing Qiang, Akihiro Makino
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 445-449.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Effect of Y2O3 on the crystallization kinetics of TiO2 nucleated LAS glass for the production of nanocrystalline transparent glass ceramics
Mohammad Sadegh Shakeri
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 450-455.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Coating thickness control in continuously fabricating metallic glass-coated composite wires
Bao-yu Zhang, Xiao-hua Chen, Zhao-ping Lu, Xi-dong Hui
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 456-461.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Cellular lightweight concrete containing high-calcium fly ash and natural zeolite
Khamphee Jitchaiyaphum, Theerawat Sinsiri, Chai Jaturapitakkul, Prinya Chindaprasirt
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 462-471.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Additive effects on tin electrodepositing in acid sulfate electrolytes
Fa-xin Xiao, Xiao-ni Shen, Feng-zhang Ren, Alex A. Volinsky
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 472-478.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Characterization and optimization of pulse electrodeposition of Ni/nano-Al2O3 composite coatings
A. Jegan, R. Venkatesan
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 479-485.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Shape control technology during electrochemical synthesis of gold nanoparticles
Xiu-yu Liu, Cong-ying Cui, Ying-wen Cheng, Hou-yi Ma, Duo Liu
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 486-492.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Kinetic study on the direct nitridation of silicon powders diluted with α-Si3N4 at normal pressure
Shao-wu Yin, Li Wang, Li-ge Tong, Fu-ming Yang, Yan-hui Li
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 493-498.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Densification of the packing structure under vibrations
Xi-zhong An
2013,vol. 20,no.5pp. 499-503.
[PDF] SpringerLink