Thermodynamics and density functional theory study of potassium dichromate interaction with galena
Jian-Hua Chen, Xian-Hao Long, Li-Hong Lan, Qian He
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 947-954.
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Ferronickel enrichment by fine particle reduction and magnetic separation from nickel laterite ore
Xiao-hui Tang, Run-zao Liu, Li Yao, Zhi-jun Ji, Yan-ting Zhang, Shi-qi Li
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 955-961.
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Influence of gangue existing states in iron ores on the formation and flow of liquid phase during sintering
Guo-liang Zhang, Sheng-li Wu, Shao-guo Chen, Bo Su, Zhi-gang Que, Chao-gang Hou
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 962-968.
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Textural changes in metallurgical coke prepared with polyethylene
Stanislav S. Gornostayev, Jyrki J. Heino, Tommi M. T. Kokkonen, Hannu T. Makkonen, Satu M. M. Huttunen, Timo M. J. Fabritius
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 969-973.
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Effect of tunnel structure on the specific capacitance of etched aluminum foil
Ning Peng, Li-Bo Liang, Ye-Dong He, Hong-Zhou Song, Xiao-Fei Yang, Xiao-Yu Cai
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 974-979.
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Effect of partition coefficient on microsegregation during solidification of aluminium alloys
M. H. Avazkonandeh-Gharavol, M. Haddad-Sabzevar, H. Fredriksson
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 980-989.
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Damage prediction of 7025 aluminum alloy during equal-channel angular pressing
M. Ebrahimi, Sh. Attarilar, C. Gode, F. Djavanroodi
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 990-998.
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Mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties of the directionally solidified Bi-Zn-Al ternary eutectic alloy
M. Şahin, E. Çadırlı
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 999-1008.
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Non-monotonic influence of a magnetic field on the electrochemical behavior of Fe78Si9B13 glassy alloy in NaOH and NaCl solutions
Hong-di Zhang, Xiao-yu Li, Jing Pang, Li-juan Yin, Hai-jian Ma, Ying-jie Li, Yan Liu, Wei-min Wang
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 1009-1018.
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Dielectric, piezoelectric, and ferroelectric properties of lanthanum-modified PZTFN ceramics
Arvind Kumar, S. K. Mishra
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 1019-1027.
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Morphology, crystal structure and hydration of calcined and modified anhydrite
Xiao-qing Niu, Ji-chun Chen
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 1028-1032.
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Hydroxyapatite/alumina nanocrystalline composite powders synthesized by sol-gel process for biomedical applications
S. Khorsand, M. H. Fathi, S. Salehi, S. Amirkhanlou
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 1033-1036.
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Fabrication of an r-Al2Ti intermetallic matrix composite reinforced with α-Al2O3 ceramic by discontinuous mechanical milling for thermite reaction
A. Mosleh, M. Ehteshamzadeh, R. Taherzadeh Mousavian
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 1037-1043.
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Erratum to: Modeling the effects of ore properties on water recovery in the thickening process
Majid Unesi, Mohammad Noaparast, Seiyd Ziaedin Shafaei, Esmaeil Jorjani
2014,vol. 21,no.10pp. 1044-1044.
[PDF] SpringerLink