Correlation between aggregation structure and tailing mineral crystallinity
Wen-tao Hu, Xin-wei Li, Hua-jun Wang, Chuan-yao Sun, Xu-qin Duan
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 845-850.
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Modeling the effects of ore properties on water recovery in the thickening process
Majid Unesi, Mohammad Noaparast, Seiyd Ziaedin Shafaei, Esmaeil Jorjani
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 851-861.
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Leaching of a copper flotation concentrate with ammonium persulfate in an autoclave system
M. Deniz Turan, H. Soner Altundoğan
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 862-870.
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Wear behavior of bainite ductile cast iron under impact load
Ting Sun, Ren-bo Song, Fu-qiang Yang, Chun-jing Wu
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 871-877.
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In situ observation of austenite grain growth behavior in the simulated coarse-grained heat-affected zone of Ti-microalloyed steels
Xiang-liang Wan, Kai-ming Wu, Gang Huang, Ran Wei, Lin Cheng
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 878-885.
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Bonding characteristics of the Al2O3-metal composite coating fabricated onto carbon steel by combustion synthesis
Xiao-feng Xue, Ze-hua Wang, Ze-hua Zhou, Shao-qun Jiang, Jiang-bo Cheng, Chang-hao Wang, Jia Shao
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 886-893.
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Expulsion characterization in resistance spot welding by means of a hardness mapping technique
H. Ghazanfari, M. Naderi
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 894-897.
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Effects of laser heat treatment on the fracture morphologies of X80 pipeline steel welded joints by stress corrosion
De-jun Kong, Cun-dong Ye
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 898-905.
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Influence of plasma on the densification mechanism of SPS under multi-field effect
Yu-hong Chang, Di Huang, Cheng-chang Jia, Zhao-wen Cui, Cong-cong Wang, Dong Liang
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 906-912.
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Effects of environmental factors on corrosion behaviors of metal-fiber porous components in a simulated direct methanol fuel cell environment
Wei Yuan, Bo Zhou, Yong Tang, Zhao-chun Zhang, Jun Deng
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 913-918.
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Effects of the microstructure of twin roll cast and hot rolled plates on the surface quality of presensitized plates
Yuan-Zhi Zhu, Ya-Feng Zhang, Chao-Qi Zhao, Feng Zhou
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 919-924.
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Cellular response to titanium discs coated with polyelectrolyte multilayer films
Jing Zhan, Qiao-jie Luo, Ying Huang, Xiao-dong Li
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 925-933.
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Fabrication and densification enhancement of SiC-particulate-reinforced copper matrix composites prepared via the sinter-forging process
Mohammadmehdi Shabani, Mohammad Hossein Paydar, Mohammad Mohsen Moshksar
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 934-939.
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Investigation of nanocrystalline structure in selected carbonaceous materials
B. Manoj
2014,vol. 21,no.9pp. 940-946.
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