Optimization of reaction conditions for the electroleaching of manganese from low-grade pyrolusite
Xing-ran Zhang, Zuo-hua Liu, Xing Fan, Xin Lian, Chang-yuan Tao
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1121-1130. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1176-x
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Dissolution behavior of Caldag lateritic nickel ore subjected to a sequential organic acid leaching method
Sait Kursunoglu, Muammer Kaya
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1131-1140. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1177-9
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Determination of the liquidus and solidus temperatures of FeCrAl stainless steel
Zhi-biao Han, Jian-hua Liu, Yang He, Kang-wei Li, Yi-long Ji, Jian Liu
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1141-1148. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1178-8
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Effect of electroslag remelting on carbides in 8Cr13MoV martensitic stainless steel
Qin-tian Zhu, Jing Li, Cheng-bin Shi, Wen-tao Yu
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1149-1156. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1179-7
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Size distribution of inclusions in 12%Cr stainless steel with a wide range of solidification cooling rates
Han-song Yu, Jian-guo Li
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1157-1162. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1180-1
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Effect of thermal aging on the fatigue crack growth behavior of cast duplex stainless steels
Xu-ming Lü, Shi-lei Li, Hai-long Zhang, Yan-li Wang, Xi-tao Wang
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1163-1170. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1181-0
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Improved cold rolling workability of warm rolled Fe-6.5wt%Si electrical steel with columnar grains by annealing
Yuan-ke Mo, Zhi-hao Zhang, Jian-xin Xie, Hua-dong Fu, Hong-jiang Pan
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1171-1182. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1182-z
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Electrochemical corrosion failure mechanism of M152 steel under a salt-spray environment
Pan Yi, Kui Xiao, Kang-kang Ding, Xu Wang, Li-dan Yan, Cheng-liang Mao, Chao-fang Dong, Xiao-gang Li
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1183-1189. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1183-y
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Response of structural and magnetic properties of ultra-thin FeCo–V foils to high-energy beam welding processes
H. Mostaan, M. Shamanian, S. Hasani, J. A. Szpunar
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1190-1198. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1184-x
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Microstructure and properties of Cu–Ti–Ni alloys
Jia Liu, Xian-hui Wang, Ting-ting Guo, Jun-tao Zou, Xiao-hong Yang
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1199-1204. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1185-9
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Effect of rolling technologies on the properties of Pb-0.06wt%Ca-1.2wt%Sn alloy anodes during copper electrowinning
Jian Yang, Bu-ming Chen, Hui Hang, Zhong-cheng Guo, Shuai Wang
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1205-1211. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1186-8
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Spheroidization of molybdenum powder by radio frequency thermal plasma
Xiao-ping Liu, Kuai-she Wang, Ping Hu, Qiang Chen, Alex A. Volinsky
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1212-1218. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1187-7
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Morphology characterization of periclase–hercynite refractories by reaction sintering
Peng Jiang, Jun-hong Chen, Ming-wei Yan, Bin Li, Jin-dong Su, Xin-mei Hou
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1219-1224. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1188-6
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X-ray diffraction investigation of amorphous calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite under ultra-high hydrostatic pressure
Elisa Lam, Qinfen Gu, Peter J. Swedlund, Sylvie Marchesseau, Yacine Hemar
2015,vol. 22,no.11pp. 1225-1231. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-015-1189-5
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