In situ characterization of natural pyrite bioleaching using electrochemical noise technique
Guo-bao Chen, Hong-ying Yang, Hai-jun Li
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 117-126.
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Electrochemical and spectroscopic study of interfacial interactions between chalcopyrite and typical flotation process reagents
Gustavo Urbano, Isabel Lázaro, Israel Rodríguez, Juan Luis Reyes, Roxana Larios, Roel Cruz
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 127-136.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Uniformity evaluation and optimization of fluid flow characteristics in a seven-strand tundish
Min Wang, Chao-jie Zhang, Rui Li
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 137-145.
[PDF] SpringerLink
A novel hydrothermal method for zinc extraction and separation from zinc ferrite and electric arc furnace dust
Hui-gang Wang, Yang Li, Jian-ming Gao, Mei Zhang, Min Guo
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 146-155.
[PDF] SpringerLink
A novel process for comprehensive utilization of vanadium slag
Li-ying Liu, Tao Du, Wen-jun Tan, Xin-pu Zhang, Fan Yang
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 156-160.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Variation in retained austenite content and mechanical properties of 0.2C–7Mn steel after intercritical annealing
Chuan Zhao, Chi Zhang, Wen-quan Cao, Zhi-gang Yang
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 161-167.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Effect of aging temperature on the microstructures and mechanical properties of ZG12Cr9Mo1Co1NiVNbNB ferritic heat-resistant steel
Xue Yang, Lan Sun, Ji Xiong, Ping Zhou, Hong-yuan Fan, Jian-yong Liu
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 168-175.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Corrosion behavior and characteristics of the product film of API X100 steel in acidic simulated soil solution
Cui-wei Du, Tian-liang Zhao, Zhi-yong Liu, Xiao-gang Li, Da-wei Zhang
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 176-183.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Microstructure characteristics of Ni/WC composite cladding coatings
Gui-rong Yang, Chao-peng Huang, Wen-ming Song, Jian Li, Jin-jun Lu, Ying Ma, Yuan Hao
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 184-192.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Fabrication of Fe–TiC–Al2O3 composites on the surface of steel using a TiO2–Al–C–Fe combustion reaction induced by gas tungsten arc cladding
Mahmood Sharifitabar, Jalil Vahdati Khaki, Mohsen Haddad Sabzevar
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 193-204.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Temperature effect on the corrosion and passivation characterization of Ni82.3Cr7Fe3Si4.5B3.2 alloy in acidic media
Khadijah M. Emran, Sanaa T. Arab, Aisha M. Al-Turkustani, Hamad A. Al-Turaif
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 205-214.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Burn-resistant behavior and mechanism of Ti14 alloy
Yong-nan Chen, Ya-zhou Huo, Xu-ding Song, Zhao-zhao Bi, Yang Gao, Yong-qing Zhao
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 215-221.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Chemical, mechanical, and thermal expansion properties of a carbon nanotube-reinforced aluminum nanocomposite
Manjula Sharma, Vimal Sharma
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 222-233.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Synthesis and application of bilayer-surfactant-enveloped Fe3O4 nanoparticles: water-based bilayer-surfactant-enveloped ferrofluids
Bai-yi Chen, Jian-hui Qiu, Hui-xia Feng
2016,vol. 23,no.2pp. 234-240.
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