Xiaozhao Ma, Zhilei Xiang, Tao Li, Yilan Chen, Yingying Liu, Ziyong Chen, and Qun Shu, Evolution laws of microstructures and mechanical properties during heat treatments for near-α high-temperature titanium alloys, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 8, pp.1596-1607. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12613-021-2248-8
Cite this article as: Xiaozhao Ma, Zhilei Xiang, Tao Li, Yilan Chen, Yingying Liu, Ziyong Chen, and Qun Shu, Evolution laws of microstructures and mechanical properties during heat treatments for near-α high-temperature titanium alloys, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 8, pp.1596-1607. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12613-021-2248-8

Evolution laws of microstructures and mechanical properties during heat treatments for near-α high-temperature titanium alloys

  • Evolution laws of microstructures, mechanical properties, and fractographs after different solution temperatures were investigated through various analysis methods. With the increasing solution temperatures, contents of the primary α phase decreased, and contents of transformed β structures increased. Lamellar α grains dominated the characteristics of transformed β structures, and widths of secondary α lamellas increased monotonously. For as-forged alloy, large silicides with equiaxed and rod-like morphologies, and nano-scale silicides were found. Silicides with large sizes might be (Ti, Zr, Nb)5Si3 and (Ti, Zr, Nb)6Si3. Rod-like silicides with small sizes precipitated in retained β phase, exhibiting near 45° angles with α/β boundaries. Retained β phases in as-heat treated alloys were incontinuous. 980STA exhibited an excellent combination of room temperature (RT) and 650°C mechanical properties. Characteristics of fracture surfaces largely depended on the evolutions of microstructures. Meanwhile, silicides promoted the formation of mico-voids.
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