Processing map for oxide dispersion strengthening Cu alloys based on experimental results and machine learning modelling
Graphical Abstract
Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloys are extensively used owing to high thermostability and creep strength contributed from uniformly dispersed fine oxides particles. However, the existence of these strengthening particles also deteriorates the processability and it is of great importance to establish accurate processing maps to guide the thermomechanical processes to enhance the formability. In this study, we performed particle swarm optimization-based back propagation artificial neural network model to predict the high temperature flow behavior of 0.25 wt.% Al2O3 particle-reinforced Cu alloys, and compared the accuracy with that of derived by Arrhenius-type constitutive model and back propagation artificial neural network model. To train these models, we obtained the raw data by fabricating ODS Cu alloys using the internal oxidation and reduction method, and conducting systematic hot compression tests between 400℃ and 800℃ with strain rates of 10-2~10 s-1. At last, processing maps for ODS Cu alloys were proposed by combining processing parameters, mechanical behavior, microstructure characterization, and the modeling results achieved a coefficient of determination higher than >99%.