Amendment on the strain measurement of thin-walled human skull shell as intracranial pressure changes
Graphical Abstract
The human skull, composed of tabula extema, tabula intema, and a porous diploe sandwiched in between, is deformed with changing intracranial pressure (ICP). Because the human skull's thickness is only 6 mm, it is simplified as a thin-walled shell. The objective of this article is to analyze the strain of the thin-wailed shell by the stress-strain calculation of a human skull with changing ICP. Under the same loading conditions, using finite element analysis (FEA), the strains of the human skull were calculated and the results were compared with the measurements of the simulative experiment in vitro. It is demonstrated that the strain of the thin-walled shell is totally measured by pasting the one-way strain foils on the exterior surface of the shell with suitable amendment for data. The amendment scope of the measured strain values of the thin-walled shell is from 13.04% to 22.22%.