Microstructural formation of semi-solid AZ91D alloy stirred by electromagnetic field
Graphical Abstract
With the help of an electromagnetic stirring device, alloy melt quenching and EBSD (electron back scatter diffraction)analysis technology, the microstructure of the semi-solid AZ91D magnesium alloy slurry stirred by rotational electromagnetic field under different stirring power conditions has been studied. The results show that the size of primary α-Mg phase is reduced obviously when the solidifying alloy melt is stirred by rotational electromagnetic field, moreover, the primary α-Mg grains are changed to fine rosette grains or spherical grains which are proved to belong to the different grains in three-dimension by the EBSD analysis technology. The results also show that the stirring power is an important processing parameter in the preparation of the semi-solid AZ91D magnesium alloy slurry. The larger the stirring power, the finer the primary α-Mg grains, the less the rosette primary α-Mg grains, and the more the spherical primary α-Mg grains. Theoretical analysis indicates that a stronger flow motion leads to a more even temperature field and solute field and a stronger man-made temperature fluctuation in the alloy melt so that the specially fine rosette and/or spherical primary α-Mg grains are formed in the semi-solid AZ91D magnesium alloy slurry.