Charging for the waste dumping of open-pit metal mines
Yunbing Hou, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Haifeng Duan, Liming Xue
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 481-485.
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Influence of calcium content on solid ratio of inclusions in Ca-treated liquid steel
Fangming Yuan, Xinhua Wang, Xuefu Yang
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 486-489.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Improvement of center segregation in high-carbon steel billets using soft reduction
Wenjun Wang, Xionggang Hu, Linxin Ning, Raimund Bülte, Wolfgang Bleck
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 490-496.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Optimization for the structure of BF hearth bottom and the arrangement of thermal couples
Hongbo Zhao, Shusen Cheng
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 497-503.
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Analysis on the deformation and fracture behavior of carbon steel by in situ tensile test
Fan Li, Haibo Huang
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 504-507.
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Microstructure and mechanical properties of automobile beam steels produced by EAF-CSP process
Zhengzhi Zhao, Yonglin Kang, Hao Yu
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 508-511.
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Application of support vector machine in the prediction of mechanical property of steel materials
Ling Wang, Zhichun Mu, Hui Guo
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 512-515.
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Modeling solidification structure evolution and microsegregation under pressure condition
Qiang Li, Qiaoyi Guo, Rongde Li
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 516-522.
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Precipitation behaviors of X70 acicular ferrite pipeline steel
Hao Yu, Yi Sun, Qixiang Chen, Haitao Jiang, Lihong Zhang
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 523-527.
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Lubrication effectiveness of composite lubricants during P/M electrostatic die wall lubrication and warm compaction
Xia Yang, Shiju Guo, Farid Akhtar
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 528-531.
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Effect of plastic deformation on diffusion-rolling bonding of steel sandwich plates
Hong Li, Jingtao Han
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 532-537.
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PTA clad (Cr,Fe)7C3/γ-Fe in situ ceramal composite coating
Junbo Liu, Limei Wang, Jihua Huang
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 538-541.
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Nanodiamond films deposited at moderate temperature on pure titanium substrate pretreated by ultrasonic scratching in diamond powder suspension
Syed Jawid Askari, Fanxiu Lv, Akhtar Farid, Fengying Wang, Qi He, Zuyuan Zhou
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 542-545.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Stainless steel binder for the development of novel TiC-reinforced steel cermets
Akhtar Farid, Shiju Guo, Xia Yang, Yudong Lian
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 546-550.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Research on development of in situ titanium matrix composites and in situ reaction thermodynamics of the reaction systems
Lifang Cai, Yongzhong Zhang, Likai Shi, Haoqiang Yang, Mingzhe Xi
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 551-557.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Interface structure between epitaxial NiSi2 and Si
Wei-Long Liu, Wen-Jauh Chen, Ting-Kan Tsai, Hsun-Heng Tsai, Shu-Huei Hsieh
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 558-563.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Study on crystallization and microstructure of Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 glass ceramics
Zhaoxia Hou, Yongming Zhang, Huashan Zhang, Hongbo Zhang, Jing Shao, Chunhui Su
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 564-569.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Dissolution properties of calcined gangue
Huajian Li, Henghu Sun, Xuchu Tie, Xuejun Xiao
2006,vol. 13,no.6pp. 570-576.
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