Inhibition of acid mine drainage and immobilization of heavy metals from copper flotation tailings using a marble cutting waste
Gulsen Tozsin
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 1-6.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Semi-industrial experimental study on bauxite separation using a cell–column integration process
Ning-ning Zhang, Chang-chun Zhou, Long-fei Cong, Wen-long Cao, You Zhou
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 7-15.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Formation mechanism of the graphite-rich protective layer in blast furnace hearths
Ke-xin Jiao, Jian-liang Zhang, Zheng-jian Liu, Feng Liu, Li-sheng Liang
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 16-24.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Effect of MgO content in sinter on the softening–melting behavior of mixed burden made from chromium-bearing vanadium–titanium magnetite
Zheng-gen Liu, Man-sheng Chu, Hong-tao Wang, Wei Zhao, Xiang-xin Xue
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 25-32.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Experimental study on sulfur removal from ladle furnace refining slag in hot state by blowing air
Li-hua Zhao, Lu Lin, Qi-fan Wu
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 33-39.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Property enhancement of cast iron used for nuclear casks
R. K. Behera, B. P. Mahto, J. S. Dubey, S. C. Mishra, S. Sen
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 40-48.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Effects of simulated on-fire processing conditions on the microstructure and mechanical performance of Q345R steel
Yi-chao Peng, Hao-hao Xu, Mai-cang Zhang
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 49-56.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Effects of normal stress, surface roughness, and initial grain size on the microstructure of copper subjected to platen friction sliding deformation
Shan-quan Deng, Andrew-William Godfrey, Wei Liu, Cheng-lu Zhang, Ben Xu
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 57-69.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Effects of HNO3 concentration on the pit morphologies of aluminum foil etched in HNO3–HCl and HNO3–H2SO4–HCl solutions
Quan-xiu Yi, Ye-dong He, Ning Peng, Hong-zhou Song, Xiao-fei Yang, Xiao-yu Cai
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 70-76.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Microstructure, thermal properties, and corrosion behaviors of FeSiBAlNi alloy fabricated by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
Hong-lei Wang, Tai-xiu Gao, Jia-zheng Niu, Pei-jian Shi, Jing Xu, Yan Wang
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 77-82.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Hot deformation behavior of uniform fine-grained GH4720Li alloy based on its processing map
Qiu-ying Yu, Zhi-hao Yao, Jian-xin Dong
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 83-91.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Porous α-Al2O3 thermal barrier coatings with dispersed Pt particles prepared by cathode plasma electrolytic deposition
Peng Wang, Ye-dong He, Shun-jie Deng, Jin Zhang
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 92-101.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Structural, morphological, Raman, optical, magnetic, and antibacterial characteristics of CeO2 nanostructures
Fazal Abbas, Javed Iqbal, Tariq Jan, Noor Badshah, Qaisar Mansoor, Muhammad Ismail
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 102-108.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Synthesis of crystalline perovskite-structured SrTiO3 nanoparticles using an alkali hydrothermal process
U. K. N. Din, T. H. T. Aziz, M. M. Salleh, A. A. Umar
2016,vol. 23,no.1pp. 109-115.
[PDF] SpringerLink