A novel process for Fe recovery and Zn, Pb removal from a low-grade pyrite cinder with high Zn and Pb contents
Cong-cong Yang, De-qing Zhu, Jian Pan, Si-wei Li, Hong-yu Tian
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 981-989. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1648-x
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Reductive recovery of manganese from low-grade manganese dioxide ore using toxic nitrocellulose acid wastewater as reductant
Yong-tao Zhang, Zhi-gang Dan, Ning Duan, Bao-ping Xin
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 990-999. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1649-9
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Carbothermic reduction characteristics of ludwigite and boron-iron magnetic separation
Guang Wang, Qing-guo Xue, Jing-song Wang
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1000-1009. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1650-3
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Complementation in the composition of steel slag and red mud for preparation of novel ceramics
Yan-bing Zong, Wen-hui Chen, Yong Fan, Tai-lin Yang, Zhao-bo Liu, Da-qiang Cang
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1010-1017. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1651-2
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Effects of high-pressure rheo-squeeze casting on the Fe-rich phases and mechanical properties of Al-17Si-(1,1.5)Fe alloys
Chong Lin, Shu-sen Wu, Shu-lin Lü, Ping An, He-bao Wu
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1018-1026. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1652-1
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Direct electrodeposition of ionic liquid-based template-free SnCo alloy nanowires as an anode for Li-ion batteries
Le-ping Wang, Gang Chen, Qi-xin Shen, Guo-min Li, Shi-you Guan, Bing Li
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1027-1034. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1653-0
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Investigation of the stress rupture behavior of GTD-111 superalloy melted by VIM/VAR
Ainaz Agh, Alireza Amini
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1035-1041. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1654-z
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Mineral-phase evolution and sintering behavior of MO-SiO2-Al2O3-B2O3 (M=Ca, Ba) glass-ceramics by low-temperature liquid-phase sintering
Song Chen, Zhen Sun, De-gui Zhu
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1042-1054. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1655-y
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Tensile properties of tungsten-rhenium wires with nanofibrous structure
Na-na Qiu, Yin Zhang, Cheng Zhang, Huan Tong, Xi-ping Song
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1055-1059. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1656-x
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Microstructure, mechanical properties, and wear resistance of VCp-reinforced Fe-matrix composites treated by Q&P process
Ping-hu Chen, Yi-bo Li, Rui-qing Li, Ri-peng Jiang, Song-sheng Zeng, Xiao-qian Li
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1060-1069. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1657-9
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Mechanical properties and microstructure of composites produced by recycling metal chips
Abdullah Aslan, Aydın Güneş, Emin Salur, Ömer Sinan Şahin, Hakan Burak Karadağ, Ahmet Akdemir
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1070-1079. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1658-8
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The evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties during high-speed direct-chill casting in different Al-Mg2Si in situ composites
Dong-tao Wang, Hai-tao Zhang, Lei Li, Hai-lin Wu, Ke Qin, Jian-zhong Cui
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1080-1089. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1659-7
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Development of a new coated electrode with low nickel content for welding ductile iron and its response to austempering
Tapan Sarkar, Ajit Kumar Pramanick, Tapan Kumar Pal, Akshay Kumar Pramanick
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1090-1103. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1660-1
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Dynamic characteristics of the planetary gear train excited by time-varying meshing stiffness in the wind turbine
Rui-ming Wang, Zhi-ying Gao, Wen-rui Wang, Yang Xue, De-yi Fu
2018,vol. 25,no.9pp. 1104-1112. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-018-1661-0
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