Processing technologies for gold-telluride ores
Jian Zhang, Yao Zhang, William Richmond, Hai-peng Wang
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 1-10.
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Ore-proportioning optimization technique with high proportion of Yandi ore in sintering
Sheng-li Wu, Hong-liang Han, Hai-xia Li, Jian Xu, Shi-dong Yang, Xiao-qin Liu
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 11-16.
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Periodic flow characteristics during RH vacuum circulation refining
Xin-gang Ai, Yan-ping Bao, Wei Jiang, Jian-hua Liu, Peng-huan Li, Tai-quan Li
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 17-21.
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Decarburization rate of RH refining for ultra low carbon steel
Bai-song Liu, Guo-sen Zhu, Huan-xi Li, Ben-hai Li, Yang cui, Ai-min Cui
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 22-27.
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Determination of inclusions in liquid steel after calcium treatment
Kabamba Tshilombo
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 28-31.
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Thermodynamic analysis on the formation mechanism of MgO·Al2O3 spinel type inclusions in casing steel
Hai-yan Tang, Jing-she Li
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 32-38.
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Experimental determination of mechanical properties and short-time creep of AISI 304 stainless steel at elevated temperatures
Josip Brnic, Ji-tai Niu, Goran Turkalj, Marko Canadija, Domagoj Lanc
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 39-45.
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Deformation behavior and microstructure of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloy during hot deformation
Liang-ming Yan, Jian Shen, Jun-peng Li, Zhou-bing Li, Xiao-dong Yan
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 46-52.
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Thixo-forging and simulation of complex parts of aluminum alloy AlSi7Mg
Kai-kun Wang
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 53-57.
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Hydrogen-induced cracking behaviors of Incoloy alloy 825
Yong-jin Yang, Ke-wei Gao, Chang-feng Chen
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 58-62.
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Macrostructure and properties of thin walled copper tubes prepared by the downward continuous unidirectional solidification method
Xi Shen, Hong Zhang, Zi-dong Wang, Hua-fen Lou, Yi-ming Jia, Ping-xia Hu
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 63-68.
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Mechanical properties of electroformed copper layers with gradient microstructure
Qiang Liao, Li-qun Zhu, Hui-cong Liu, Wei-ping Li
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 69-74.
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3D Modeling of the preparation process of metal rubber material
Ming-ji Huang, Xiu-ping Dong, Guo-quan Liu
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 75-79.
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Rapid growth of ZnO hexagonal tubes by direct microwave heating
Zhen-qi Zhu, Jian Zhou
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 80-85.
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Effect of SiO2 addition on the microstructure and electrical properties of ZnO-based varistors
Zhen-hong Wu, Jian-hui Fang, Dong Xu, Qin-dong Zhong, Li-yi Shi
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 86-91.
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Preparation and performance of dye-sensitized solar cells based on ZnO-modified TiO2 electrodes
Sheng-jun Li, Yuan Lin, Wei-wei Tan, Jing-bo Zhang, Xiao-wen Zhou, Jin-mao Chen, Zeng Chen
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 92-97.
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Influence of substrate metals on the crystal growth of AlN films
Juan Xiong, Hao-shuang Gu, Kuan Hu, Ming-zhe Hu
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 98-103.
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Electrodeposition and characterization of thermoelectric Bi2Se3 thin films
Xiao-long Li, Ke-feng Cai, Hui Li, Ling Wang, Chi-wei Zhou
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 104-107.
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Relationship between the microstructure and reaction performance of aluminosilicate
Xiao-ming Liu, Heng-hu Sun, Xiang-peng Feng, Na Zhang
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 108-115.
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Relationship between polymerization degree and cementitious activity of iron ore tailings
Zhong-lai Yi, Heng-hu Sun, Chao Li, Yin-ming Sun, Yu Li
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 116-120.
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Cemented backfilling performance of yellow phosphorus slag
Jia-sheng Chen, Bin Zhao, Xin-min Wang, Qin-li Zhang, Li Wang
2010,vol. 17,no.1pp. 121-126.
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