Mechanism research on arsenic removal from arsenopyrite ore during a sintering process
Ri-jin Cheng, Hong-wei Ni, Hua Zhang, Xiao-kun Zhang, Si-cheng Bai
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 353-359.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Thin-layer heap bioleaching of copper flotation tailings containing high levels of fine grains and microbial community succession analysis
Xiao-dong Hao, Yi-li Liang, Hua-qun Yin, Hong-wei Liu, Wei-min Zeng, Xue-duan Liu
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 360-368.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Dissolution characteristics of sericite in chalcopyrite bioleaching and its effect on copper extraction
Ying-bo Dong, Hao Li, Hai Lin, Yuan Zhang
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 369-376.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Extraction of metals from complex sulfide nickel concentrates by low-temperature chlorination roasting and water leaching
Cong Xu, Hong-wei Cheng, Guang-shi Li, Chang-yuan Lu, Xiong-gang Lu, Xing-li Zou, Qian Xu
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 377-385.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Consolidation mechanism of gold concentrates containing sulfur and carbon during oxygen-enriched air roasting
Qian Li, Fang-zhou Ji, Bin Xu, Jian-jun Hu, Yong-bin Yang, Tao Jiang
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 386-392.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Effect of decarburization annealing temperature and time on the carbon content, microstructure, and texture of grain-oriented pure iron
Hai-jun Wang, Zhe Rong, Li Xiang, Sheng-tao Qiu, Jian-xin Li, Ting-liang Dong
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 393-400.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Environmental boundary and formation mechanism of different types of H2S corrosion products on pipeline steel
Lei Zhang, Hui-xin Li, Feng-xian Shi, Jian-wei Yang, Li-hua Hu, Min-xu Lu
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 401-409.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Surface grain refinement mechanism of SMA490BW steel cross joints by ultrasonic impact treatment
Bo-lin He, Lei Xiong, Ming-ming Jiang, Ying-xia Yu, Li Li
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 410-414.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Addition of cerium and yttrium to ferritic steel weld metal to improve hydrogen trapping efficiency
Sung Jin Kim, Kang Mook Ryu, Min-suk Oh
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 415-422.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Effects of cupric ions on the corrosion behavior of aluminum alloy 5A02 in ethylene glycol-water solution
Shu-lun Gao, Mei Yu, Jian-hua Liu, Bing Xue, Song-mei Li
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 423-431.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Constitutive behavior and processing maps of low-expansion GH909 superalloy
Zhi-hao Yao, Shao-cong Wu, Jian-xin Dong, Qiu-ying Yu, Mai-cang Zhang, Guang-wei Han
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 432-443.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Synthesis of titanium oxycarbonitride by carbothermal reduction and nitridation of ilmenite with recycling of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Eltefat Ahmadi, Ahmad Fauzi, Hashim Hussin, Norlia Baharun, Kamar Shah Ariffin, Sheikh Abdul Rezan
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 444-454.
[PDF] SpringerLink
One-pot synthesis and optical properties of In-and Sn-doped ZnO nanoparticles
Li-ping Wang, Fu Zhang, Shuai Chen, Zi-heng Bai
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 455-461.
[PDF] SpringerLink
Cu-Zn-Al2O3 nanocomposites:study of microstructure,corrosion,and wear properties
Mohammad Baghani, Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Mehdi Askari
2017,vol. 24,no.4pp. 462-472.
[PDF] SpringerLink