Correlation between surface charge and hydration on mineral surfaces in aqueous solutions: A critical review
Hong-liang Li, Wen-nan Xu, Fei-fei Jia, Jian-bo Li, Shao-xian Song, Yuri Nahmad
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 857-871.
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Mechanism investigation on coal and gas outburst: An overview
Yan-kun Ma, Bai-sheng Nie, Xue-qiu He, Xiang-chun Li, Jun-qing Meng, Da-zhao Song
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 872-887.
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Deformation treatment and microstructure of graphene-reinforced metalmatrix nanocomposites: A review of graphene post-dispersion
Yong Mei, Pu-zhen Shao, Ming Sun, Guo-qin Chen, Murid Hussain, Feng-lei Huang, Qiang Zhang, Xiao-sa Gao, Yin-yin Pei, Su-juan Zhong, Gao-hui Wu
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 888-899.
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Visualization of flow behavior in ore-segregated packed beds with fine interlayers
Lei-ming Wang, Sheng-hua Yin, Ai-xiang Wu
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 900-909.
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Cu2+-catalyzed mechanism in oxygen-pressure acid leaching of artificial sphalerite
Lei Tian, Ao Gong, Xuan-gao Wu, Yan Liu, Zhi-feng Xu, Ting-an Zhang
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 910-923.
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Mineral transition and formation mechanism of calcium aluminate compounds in CaO−Al2O3−Na2O system during high-temperature sintering
Hai-yan Yu, Xiao-lin Pan, Yong-pan Tian, Gan-feng Tu
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 924-932.
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Microstructure and mechanical properties of high-strength low alloy steel by wire and arc additive manufacturing
Yi-li Dai, Sheng-fu Yu, An-guo Huang, Yu-sheng Shi
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 933-942.
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Ultrasonic vibration assisted tungsten inert gas welding of dissimilar metals 316L and L415
Hong-xia Lan, Xiu-fang Gong, Sen-feng Zhang, Liang Wang, Bin Wang, Li-ping Nie
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 943-953.
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Comparative study of mechanical, corrosion and erosion−corrosion properties of cast hyper-duplex and super-duplex stainless steels
P. Nithin Raj, P.K. Navaneethkrishnan, K. Sekar, M.A. Joseph
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 954-961.
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Developing Mg–Zn surface alloy by friction surface allosying: In vitro degradation studies in simulated body fluids
Venkateswarlu Badisha, Shabana Shaik, Ravikumar Dumpala, B. Ratna Sunil
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 962-969.
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Formation of interfacial Al−Ce−Cu−W amorphous layers in aluminum matrix composite through thermally driven solid-state amorphization
Zheng Lü, Chang-hui Mao, Jian Wang, Qiu-shi Liang, Shu-wang Ma, Wen-jing Wang
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 970-979.
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Non-spherical aluminum nanoparticles fabricated using picosecond laser ablation
A. Brahma Swamulu, S. Venugopal Rao, G. Krishna Podagatlapalli
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 980-986.
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Investigation of structural, morphological and electrochemical properties of mesoporous La2CuCoO6 rods fabricated by facile hydrothermal route
Jashandeep Singh, Ashok Kumar
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 987-995.
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Metal-doped (Cu,Zn)Fe2O4 from integral utilization of toxic Zn-containing electric arc furnace dust: An environment-friendly heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst
Jun-wu Li, Xing Han, Rong-xia Chai, Fang-qin Cheng, Mei Zhang, Min Guo
2020,vol. 27,no.7pp. 996-1006.
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