Retrospective and prospective review of the generalized nonlinear strength theory for geomaterials
Shunchuan Wu, Jiaxin Wang, Shihuai Zhang, Shigui Huang, Lei Xia, Qianping Zhao
2024,vol. 31,no.8pp. 1767-1787.
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Analysis of explosion wave interactions and rock breaking effects during dual initiation
Renshu Yang, Jinjing Zuo, Liwei Ma, Yong Zhao, Zhen Liu, Quanmin Xie
2024,vol. 31,no.8pp. 1788-1798.
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Numerical and theoretical study of large-scale failure of strata overlying sublevel caving mines with steeply dipping discontinuities
Kaizong Xia, Zhiwei Si, Congxin Chen, Xiaoshuang Li, Junpeng Zou, Jiahao Yuan
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A froth velocity measurement method based on improved U-Net++ semantic segmentation in flotation process
Yiwei Chen, Degang Xu, Kun Wan
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Bioleaching of vanadium from stone coal vanadium ore by Bacillus mucilaginosus: Influencing factors and mechanism
Yingbo Dong, Jinyu Zan, Hai Lin
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Oxidation behavior of FeV2O4 and FeCr2O4 particles in the air: Nonisothermal kinetic and reaction mechanism
Junyi Xiang, Xi Lu, Luwei Bai, Hongru Rao, Sheng Liu, Qingyun Huang, Shengqin Zhang, Guishang Pei, Xuewei Lü
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Critical precipitation behavior of MnTe inclusions in resulfurized steels during solidification
Xiangyu Xu, Lu Zhang, Zifei Wang, Qianren Tian, Jianxun Fu, Xuemin Wang
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Growth kinetics of titanium carbide coating by molten salt synthesis process on graphite sheet surface
Xiaoyu Shi, Chongxiao Guo, Jiamiao Ni, Songsong Yao, Liqiang Wang, Yue Liu, Tongxiang Fan
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Improving mechanical properties and high-temperature oxidation of press hardened steel by adding Cr and Si
Rong Zhu, Yonggang Yang, Baozhong Zhang, Borui Zhang, Lei Li, Yanxin Wu, Zhenli Mi
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Evolution of microstructure and properties of a novel Ni-based superalloy during stress relief annealing
Lei Jia, Heng Cui, Shufeng Yang, Shaomin Lü, Xingfei Xie, Jinglong Qu
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Mechanical properties and interfacial characteristics of 6061 Al alloy plates fabricated by hot-roll bonding
Zongan Luo, Xin Zhang, Zhaosong Liu, Hongyu Zhou, Mingkun Wang, Guangming Xie
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Two-stage dynamic recrystallization and texture evolution in Al–7Mg alloy during hot torsion
Kwang Tae Son, Chang Hee Cho, Myoung Gyun Kim, Ji Woon Lee
2024,vol. 31,no.8pp. 1900-1911.
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Ultra-broadband microwave absorber and high-performance pressure sensor based on aramid nanofiber, polypyrrole and nickel porous aerogel
Leyi Zhang, Hongyu Jin, Hanxin Liao, Rao Zhang, Bochong Wang, Jianyong Xiang, Congpu Mu, Kun Zhai, Tianyu Xue, Fusheng Wen
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Construction of enhanced multi-polarization and high performance electromagnetic wave absorption by self-growing ZnFe2O4 on Cu9S5
Wenxiong Chen, Honglong Xing
2024,vol. 31,no.8pp. 1922-1934.
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Low-firing and temperature stability regulation of tri-rutile MgTa2O6 microwave dielectric ceramics
Chengzhi Xu, Hongyu Yang, Hongcheng Yang, Linzhuang Xing, Yuan Wang, Zhimin Li, Enzhu Li, Guorui Zhao
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